i have it ordered but i didnt order a barrel yet.i must make my mind up ?44mag or 45-70?i handload and thats what i will be shooting handloads.i could shoot the 44mag at max or reduced loads in a 45-70.i can always get more out of the 45-70 if i want it but i think the 44mag is enough for shooting and deer hunting.i dont know what way to go.give me some ideas please.
i also need some ideas as far as scopes are concerned.Simmons,Bushnell or Leopold?do the Simmons and Bushnells hold up on the hand guns in 44mag or the 45-70?how about the ring set up?should i go with a 2 ring,3 ring or 4 ring?ideas please
i also want to thank a couple of you for your offers on your used Contender barrels.i am going to pass on the used ones.a friend of mine has a ffl and i get my guns at cost + shipping.good luck on selling them.
thanks for any ideas