IG, you'll have to give me a synopsis, my sound wouldn't work on that video.
Maybe you have to be on facebook to get sound. And I'm not.
Pastor was basically comparing todays activities with those described by Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39.
Although he doesn't venture any time frame, except that it
could happen soon, and things seem to be lining up that way. Still, no time set.
There is little doubt though, who the active players will be, since there in (Ezek 38:1-6) some of the nations are mentioned quite clear, since they use the same names today..others will cause us to look up the ancient terms for nations that exist today, and will be part of that combine which will attack Israel.
Of course, it will be a horrific battle, but Israel will not be moved..God will put "hooks in the jaws" of the aggressors (Ezek 38:4), and draw them to battle, as their weapons fail (Ezek 39:2,3).
Note: One interesting verse (Ezek 39:6) God says he will send fire upon Magog. Magog is located where today we find the Caucasus Mts. and the Russian steppes, parts of the now defunct USSR, along with Armenia. ..Just some food for thought.