Author Topic: Dr. Roberts, says Putin had no choice but to invade  (Read 207 times)

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Dr. Roberts, says Putin had no choice but to invade
« on: April 29, 2022, 12:22:28 AM »
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts (under secretary of the Treasury for Reagan), and Washington insider
claims Putin had no choice but to invade and come to the defense of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine. After 8 years of attacks just about every person in Russia knew a relative or somebody in the Donbass region that was killed, beaten, ripped off, raped and brutalized by neo-Nazi brigades. This trauma increased when Obama and deep staters decided to occupy Kiev and removed neo-Nazi groups from the terrorist list, thereby allowing these extremists to receive US aid. This was made worse by Zelenskyy's regime who did nothing to stop the atrocities.
After 8 years of lip service about the Donbass crimes against humanity Putin was facing falling popularity, and he had to act.....-->

The Real Threat In The Ukraine Conflict

Date: Thursday, 28-Apr-2022 16:08:01

By Paul Craig Roberts - April 27, 2022

I still have forebodings about the manner in which the Kremlin is conducting the Ukrainian operation. There is no doubt that the Russians had to come to the defense of the Donbass republics. Having done little other than to provide the republics with some weapons and intelligence, for eight years the Kremlin allowed the Ukrainian shelling of Donbass and the occupation of large areas of the Donbass by Nazi militias, while the US and NATO trained and equipped a large Ukrainian army to subdue the republics. As the year 2022 opened, the republics were faced with an invasion by 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers. The atrocities committed on the population by the Nazi militias would have been severe. The internal sense of shame in Russia could have eroded the ability of Putin’s government to govern effectively.

As the Kremlin had tolerated so much for eight years with no response other than a fruitless and pointless Minsk Agreement, it is possible that Washington was relying on Putin bringing about his own downfall by accepting yet another provocation, this time a highly shameful one. It seems that Putin himself understood this as he has said repeatedly that he had no alternative but to intervene to prevent the Ukrainian invasion of the Donbass republics.

That Donbass was the only target of the limited military operation is clear from the fact that Donbass is where the Russian forces and fighting are. The Ukrainian army and Nazi militias have been surrounded in Donbass. There are no Russian troops operating in Western Ukraine.

Despite Kremlin warnings that countries that hindered its limited military operation would be treated as combatants, the Russians have taken no steps against the NATO countries that have hindered its operation by imposing sanctions and sending weapons to Ukraine. According to some reports, there are even US and NATO military officers and intelligence services helping the Ukrainian forces. The inflows of weapons have forced Russia to widen its limited military operation to Western Ukraine where Russia has used precision weapons to destroy the weapon stockpiles and the means of transporting them. Thus, by sending weapons to Western Ukraine, NATO has forced Russia to expand its operations, thus widening the war.

The Western weapons come into Ukraine mainly from Poland, and Poland has been in the forefront of those demanding harsher measures, even military intervention, against Russia. Yet Russia has continued to deliver gas to Poland and her other NATO enemies and only cuts them off if they refuse to pay in rubles. Far from treating Poland as a combatant, the Kremlin treats Poland and the rest of her enemies as allies and business partners. It is the confused message that Russia sends, threatening one thing, but doing another, that is rife with peril.

Such a confused message, like acceptance of provocations, creates opportunity for miscalculation. My concern remains that Russia’s limited, weak or non-existent responses to provocations invites more and worst provocations until a red line is crossed that results in nuclear war. Apparently, the Russians have never read Machiavelli. They had rather be loved than feared.

The long drawn-out process of flushing out and destroying the Ukrainian forces in Donbass has created the opportunity for mounting provocations of Russia, supported by Western populations under the influence of war propaganda. These provocations can easily result in a widening of the conflict, resulting in more forceful actions against Russia until the situation explodes.

To prevent a drawn-out process rife with opportunities to pile provocation on provocation is the reason I have thought that Russia needed to act decisively and quickly bring the conflict to an end. It is this failure that is the real threat in the Ukraine conflict. By trying to save a few Ukrainian lives, Russia might be endangering the lives of hundreds of millions.

Permission to reprint Dr. Roberts’ columns does not imply that Dr. Roberts endorses the websites or media organizations that republish his columns or that he approves of the content of the websites, media outlets or books that republish his columns.

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Re: Dr. Roberts, says Putin had no choice but to invade
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2022, 01:07:52 AM »
 Probably the same excuses Putin used..

    Sorry; I well remember the old Soviet Union...and how many alerts I went on, moving out in early morning hours, while wondering if "this is the big one" !   "the big one", being the USSR has funneled their military in force, coming down the Fulda Gap..aiming to cross the Rhine River, just south of Frankfurt.
  We stayed operationally alert every day, just in case "the balloon went up"!

  I remember reading Solzenitsyn's, "Gulag Archipeligo"..and the brutal, murderous treatment of "political prisoners".  I have also read several firstbnperson accounts such a "Vorkutra", explainingthe lives of Gulag residents...for as long as they lasted..

   I recall driving along the Iron Curtain, where millions were being the 'mercy' of an "EVIL EMPIRE" (per..Ronald Reagan).
  I don't want to allow that former KGB operative to re-establish the old, evil USSR !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Dr. Roberts, says Putin had no choice but to invade
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2022, 01:35:35 AM »
  If this KGB guy were allowed to establishthe old borders of the USSR...I have no doubt he would reinstitute the old practices of the Supreme Soviet, and the cold war would be on in full force again.

   Note please; Putin is already, at this moment.. threatening to use nuclear weapons. How much more would he bully, with the resources and slave population of the old USSR?

  No thanks..we don't need a redux !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Mule 11

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Re: Dr. Roberts, says Putin had no choice but to invade
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2022, 02:25:41 AM »
My opinion fwiw is this is none of our business and sending arms and money to the Ukraine government is like pouring gas on a fire...