Scuttlebut says Putin has cancer. Some say thyroid, others say blood cancer..
With his latest may wonder if it isn't brain cancer. If so, his contemporaries may be considering a replacement.
Seriously.. If he wants a greater Russia, he ought to be smart enough to stay home and truly cultivate the great expanse of a country Russia already occupies.
Russia is gifted with natural resources and many great advantages...he doesn't need more land..or as Hitler used to say.."lebensraum'..or living room, room to reach out and develop. At least, Hitler had a small excuse.
There are and have been some very key and powerful nations, which only have a small expanse of land...but hard work and diligence gave them power and stature (e.g. Japan, Israel)
I really thought for a time, that Putin was "getting it together", when he brought in 15,000 displaced South African farmers..and awarded them each many uncultivated acres, laying fallow in Russia.
...But he must have 'lost it' !