Author Topic: Constitutional county..  (Read 389 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Constitutional county..
« on: June 07, 2022, 11:35:47 AM »
  In defiance of the ridiculously stupid, blue led state we live in, my home county has declared itself a "constitutional county".  That means they will fight any efforts bythe state to encroach upon citizens constitutional rights.
  This fight was led by a dear Christian friend of many years, named Brenda, whom I have known for many years.  Brenda is not only highly intelligent, she is also highly articulate, and is a published author..
  Many people look around and ask, "Why are things so upside down and crazy today"? Brenda answered them on her website, with a clear, concise explanation... educational...see below;

    Do you hear the knock of our own cultural revolution?
In 1966, Mao launched his “cultural revolution” in China for the purpose of asserting his authority over the people. To solidify that authority, he crushed traditional loyalties, destroying anything that the Chinese people might possibly view as greater than he. The old had to go. Old customs. Old culture. Old habits. Old ideas. They had to go if Mao was to become the god he desired to be. The crushing of the old didn’t enrich the lives of the people. It devasted them.
Do you hear the knock? It is our very own cultural revolution. For decades, it tapped politely on the doors of our institutions. And one by one we opened those doors. Academia. Media. Corporations. Entertainment. Medical. Science. Courts. Legislatures. Governors’ mansions and the White House. The family. The mainstream church. The cultural revolution comes cloaked with promises… and conditions. And among the conditions lies this demand: the old must go.
The traditional nuclear family with Mom, Dad, and Children. That’s an old custom, and old idea, an outdated habit of a bigoted culture. It must go.
Parents with both the right and responsibility of raising their children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. An old value. Crush it! Convince people that religious virtue is to be only personal and kept separate from “the state.” Then, intricately link the institutions of the culture to the state so that “separation of church and state” becomes the separation of church from everything. Church? That’s just something private and personal, no longer cultural. It might impact you, but it must not impact culture and you must learn that when you leave your home, your biblical worldview must not. After all, it's old. If you want to worship such a relic in the privacy of your increasingly smaller and smaller personal space, feel free. But do not attempt to bring it into any conversation or public dialogue with you! It's hate speech!
Sexual purity? No need for that. After all, we are evolved animals with drives and appetites and urges we need not control. Restraining our desires is old, so we must cast aside such antiquated wholesomeness and embrace an ideology of a sexual free-for-all, the type that leaves broken lives and confused souls scattered and marred along its jagged path.
A world in which objective reality was at one time acknowledged must be abandoned. Two genders? No more! Reality? No more! Facts? What are they? They are old! Demolish them and replace them with perplexity and make sure the perplexity is imposed first and foremost upon the young. Sexualize the young. Cause them to doubt the worth of the ways of the parents. Cause them to doubt the worth of the parents. Parents? What are they? They are old! They are needless! The State surely can rear the young better than the sperm and egg donors from which they came! Promise to the sperm and egg donors – formerly known as Mom and Dad – that life can be good if they trust the State. Go…go…go… spend hours and hours pursuing your career or working your work. We’ll watch over the children. We’ll feed them. We’ll teach them. We’ll mold them. We’ll make them…into our image… the image of the new… the image of the State. They won’t even need to think any longer. After all, independent thinking is an old custom. We will addict them to electronics. We’ll sprinkle in some pornography. We’ll legalize dope. We’ll tell them they are victims. Power to the people? NO! That's old! Now it is power to the State! Individuals mattered in the old. But not now. It's groups now. Collective. It's now the State and its devoted institutions, populated with virtue signaling bureaucrats, that matter….
And this is why I care about public education…because it is the vehicle through which the cultural revolution is being imposed upon us. Ultimately, public education is an institution from which parents (yes, parents) must grab their children and flee. Parents (yes, parents) have been told that the experts know how to educate the next generation and they don’t. Dear parents… that’s a lie. You are the best educator of your children. You are more equipped than you realize to teach your children what they need to know. You see, public education has become the place where goodness and virtue go to die. From the ash heap rises diversity, equity, and inclusion. Nice sounding words, but rotten to the core. Dear parents, the cultural revolutionaries are wrong. The old ideas, the old habits, the old customs, and the old culture… these are the better way. You are capable of teaching your children what the public schools (and many private ones to boot) have ceased to teach: virtue, character, grit, and resilience.
The cultural revolutionaries want to destroy your family. Be counter-revolutionary and tell them, NO WAY. Change your life, make the sacrifices that need to be made…and resist what the State and the elites are trying to do to your children. You are the expert where your children are concerned. The State, on the other hand, is just the bully.
And I end this long-winded tirade with this: we and our children need the LORD. Seek Him and take your children on that journey of discovery with you. You will not regret it.

Brenda Hanson

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2022, 12:56:22 PM »
Well IG, that was a great article.   Every word true.   We have kicked GOD to the curb and I guess we'll pay the price.

Congratulations to your county.
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Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline DDZ

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2022, 02:34:51 PM »
Well IG, that was a great article.   Every word true.   We have kicked GOD to the curb and I guess we'll pay the price.

Congratulations to your county.

...and right now I believe God is letting man wallow in his own sin.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2022, 03:00:46 PM »
Well IG, that was a great article.   Every word true.   We have kicked GOD to the curb and I guess we'll pay the price.

Congratulations to your county.

...and right now I believe God is letting man wallow in his own sin.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline gene_225

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2022, 03:23:58 PM »
Thanks for sharing this.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2022, 03:41:43 PM »
Brenda has been a blessing in my life.  She served with me for several years, ministering to a local nursing home.
  She used to bring her little girl Sarah to our services.
  I say "little girl", even though Sarah was about 17 when she passed.  Sarah was her and Norm's only child, and ws doing fine until a couple months after being born..then she got hit with something that turned her to Downs syndrome child.
  So when Sarah died several years ago, she was in a wheel chair and about the size of a 5 year old...but that child was full of love...and many, many people loved her in return, but none moreso than those nursing home residents.

   I looked on Youtube, and caught this interview of Brenda..which starts at about 1 minute into the video.  Norm and Brenda can be seen sitting together in the audience.

  If you have a few can see our county legislature in process.  Then you will clearly see that we bear no relationship to NY City or any other large city in NY.  THe counties on either side (Chautauqua & Allegany) are likely to join us..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2022, 04:30:53 PM »
Brenda has been a blessing in my life.  She served with me for several years, ministering to a local nursing home.
  She used to bring her little girl Sarah to our services.
  I say "little girl", even though Sarah was about 17 when she passed.  Sarah was her and Norm's only child, and ws doing fine until a couple months after being born..then she got hit with something that turned her to Downs syndrome child.
  So when Sarah died several years ago, she was in a wheel chair and about the size of a 5 year old...but that child was full of love...and many, many people loved her in return, but none moreso than those nursing home residents.

   I looked on Youtube, and caught this interview of Brenda..which starts at about 1 minute into the video.  Norm and Brenda can be seen sitting together in the audience.

  If you have a few can see our county legislature in process.  Then you will clearly see that we bear no relationship to NY City or any other large city in NY.  THe counties on either side (Chautauqua & Allegany) are likely to join us..
I didn’t watch it all but I watched through the reading of the resolution.
That was great to see, and your friend is right in that we need to give GOD the glory.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline nw_hunter

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2022, 04:35:03 PM »
Thanks for posting this IG!
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

Offline oldandslow

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2022, 12:37:15 PM »
Well IG, that was a great article.   Every word true.   We have kicked GOD to the curb and I guess we'll pay the price.

Congratulations to your county.

...and right now I believe God is letting man wallow in his own sin.

I believe He has always done that. Just look at history.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Constitutional county..
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2022, 03:29:57 AM »
  More from Brenda;

[Brenda Hanson
Do you remember when schools taught reading, writing, and arithmetic?
Do you remember when schools respected parents in a real and productive way that benefited rather than perplexed the young?
Do you remember when schools reflected the community wherein they existed rather than the elite teacher's colleges that are today spewing out progressive robots whose main aim is to indoctrinate your children into a sexualized secular worldview that despises the traditional?
Do you remember when schools built up rather than pulled down?
Do you remember when truth mattered and agendas and ideologies were evaluated rather than imposed in classrooms?
Do you remember when virtue was cultivated rather than condemned as some sort of bigotry?
Do you remember when delusions were rejected and reality acknowledged?
Do you remember when 18 year olds graduated with enthusiastic optimism and hope rather than bitter despair or brooding pessimism?
At some point, someone somewhere decided schools could be used to accomplish the will of that someone somewhere and reject the will of the parents. I dare way - seeing the trending look of hopelessness and confusion in the eyes of the next generation - that this someone somewhere did not and does not have the best interest of young people in mind.
Parents, for the sake of your children, you must push back against this someone somewhere who has stolen the innocence of the young and imposed upon them a sexualized view of the world and themselves. The wholesomeness and purity that lead to a joyful and steady life has been mocked and demonized by those who claim to know better than you how to teach your children. They don't.
At what strange and wicked historical moment did the view, "In the beginning God made them male and female" receive the slap of the label "transphobic hate speech"? Do you see where we are at? We are at the fork in the road in which a Christian conscience is no longer allowed. If you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman and that God made two identifiable and beautifully differentiated genders, you are not permitted to uphold that ideal in public schools. It is offensive and it is called hate. Everyone is required to affirm, not question. Orwell called this "group think" and spoke of its enforcement by "thought police" marching in lockstep from the state sanctioned "ministry of truth."
Parents, stand up.
Parents, speak up.
Parents, recover the position that is rightfully yours in the lives of your children. Reclaim your noble role as their educator. Be the one who imprints truth and goodness upon them, who talks to them when sitting at home and when walking along the road, the one who instructs them when they rise up in the morning and when they lie down at night. The supposed experts in the world have lied to you and told you that they, not you, are the best educators of your children. Refuse to believe that lie any longer and rescue your children from the factories of secular indoctrination and protect them from ending up where Orwell's Winston did... a former human being with the boot of Big Brother on his neck while he mumbled hypnotic words of love and devotion to a state which had destroyed his life and crushed his soul.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)