ya i dont understand why they would have sent the speaker of the house there to begin with. Her job is in the house not out being some kind of diplomat turned loose by the president to say whatever she wants. If ANYONE should have went there its biden or even harris. That IS THERE JOB. Whats next. Are they going to send aoc to talk peace with putin??? Sending pelosi there is about like the head of the sanitation dept in nyc there. For over 6 years she hasnt done a thing in the house to make this a better country. Bottom line hasnt done her job and now shes replacing biden in diplomatic meetings. Wana bet if trump was in office who would have went to tiawan. Probably no one beause trump had a bit of common sense but if it was anyone it would be him. He sure as hell wouldnt have told some senetor to go if you want and say whatever you feel like saying. Just shows you if you ever doubted it whos running things.