nw_hunter what exactly is being covered up?
Not sure! I think that's being covered up.
About the chain of command thing. Everyone in the military follows the chain of command., but when in battle and it comes down to pull trigger and shoot enemy, you don't wait on the Company Commander to say ....FIRE. You do the job you have been trained to do. I think most LEO'S do the same. Look! You two can continue to talk this media loving, arm chair QB crap all you want. There are many people who should have to answer why things went down the way it did that day. School officials, and Law enforcement. And btw Lloyd, I don't see any cop haters on here.
I damn sure don't hate cops, but I think there were some damn cowards in that hallway that day, that need to find less dangerous employment. I'll give you two the final say. I'm through!