I often have requests to dispatch pests, usually groundhogs, from areas that are close in to small villages. I like to use subsonics and sometimes CBs, depending upon the specific case.
Problem: I would like to move into a given situation unobtrusively, as a sniper if you prefer. Therefore, I propose to set up an accurate rifle that I can pack in a briefcase sized case.
I considered the Henry survival, the Marlin Papoose, and the Browning auto. Turned them all down for reputed average accuracy; good accuracy being one thing I demand.
I once owned a Browning auto and traded it for that reason!
Have you found the Henry or Marlin models to be accurate?
So far, I plan on getting a .22 lr barrel for my NEF .22 mag sportster, and using a compact shotgun scope make a briefcase sized case with fitted foam liner that I can pack the NEF in...
Do you have any ideas of a setup that may work as well? If so let's share them![/u]