A new twist in Democrat compassion.. Don't bury grandma, don't even cremate her.. Same goes form you little child or teenager who dies.
You must "recycle" them turn them into COMPOST, so the wine & croisants crowd don't miss out on their veggies.
Gov Hochul of NY has joined the states of Washington , Oregon and Colorado, signing such a bill, passed by the evil left.
https://nypost.com/2022/12/31/hochul-legalizes-human-composting-for-eco-friendly-burials-in-new-york/No question in my mind, the gang known as Democrats are a brutal bunch.. They sponsor things such as
1) killing babies in the womb. The womb, now the most dangerous place in America for a baby to live.
2) They are now endorsing the mutilation of pre-pubescent children, by both chemical and surgical means. They must be suffering from schizophrenia, since it was only a few short years ago that they were condemning
certain Muslim sects for female "genital mutilation" ..and rightly so. ..But apparently 'party' comes before any 'principles'.
3) Some of this bloody crew, will allow babies to die..who survived abortion procedure. 4) The most outspoken voices for euthanasia, whether it is voluntary or not, comes from the left. Yeah, euthanasia..for OTHERS.. All these cold-blooded decisions reflect the anti-God philosophy. They have to think that mankind is only an advanced ape, and of little value, and not made by God..in His image. No surprise then that life is so
CHEAP to them..
This bloody mob is not confined to a single party.. The current labels don't fit...I suggest that there are two parties,
the HATE and LOVE parties.
One HATES all America stands for, and make their moral decisions governed by their HATE for God.
The other LOVES America and all it stands for, and LOVES God above self..God who inspires their moral decisions.
Sign me up with the LOVE GOD party...