I have an original Remington rolling block action with a .45-70 barrel; I've no idea what the original cartridge/caliber was, but I'm told that it is a military action.
The pins and holes that the block and hammer pivot on are a bit sloppy, that is, you can feel minute movement if you twist and push them just right. I'm sure this can't be good for the action or the shooting. Recognizing that there are gunsmiths who do this sort of work well, still, I want to have a go at it myself. I have a lathe and mill available and can use them well.
At first I thought just to ream out the holes a bit and turn up new pins from drill rod, but having put some thought into the requirememts, I realize that the parts and their respective holes will have to be align-bored to do the job right. That is, the block, e.g. will have to be jigged into its correct location and the receiver and block bored simultaneously. Otherwise, the hole centers might (would likely) be somewhat off location. I also recognize the problem of getting those new holes in the original correct positions.
Does anyone know a website that has information on this process, or better, has a picture of the fixture used to hold parts? I've invented one mentally, but would like to see what others use.