I believe the new broadheads like Muzzy, and NAP do a great job, and function well on higher speed compounds with aluminum, and carbon arrows.
The Zwickey Eskimo, the Ace,and the Magnus 2-blade do MUCH better at moderate speeds with heavier arrow, such as cedar, chundoo, or as some of the traditionalists are doing, caulk filled aluminum arrows. We're talking a difference of about 100 grains in the arrow weight. This is the kinetic energy difference in traditional archery.
NO, I am not going to open that can of worms! I shoot both...what I am suggesting, is that modern equipment utilizes kinetic energy
DIFFERENTLY than traditional, because of the arrow speeds possible. Case in point: when we speared hogs this year, our "arrow" was 7ft. long, and weighed 4 lbs. Properly thrown at about 25 fps the spear wanted to go
all the way through a BIG hog! I was quite suprised! My two cents. JeffG