Guys I walked out of church ( Catholic) because the priest was complaining about CC in WI have not been back since until my mother died and we had her service. I told the priest that held her service ( a different church and town) why I wanted him and not the priest that I walked out on. I think gun control is not the churches business, but lets not just pick on the Catholics!! Take a look at the list of MN churches that are against the Concealed Carry issue. I saw Lutheran's, Baptist, Methodist, presbyterians, Episcopal, Non denominational, you name it they were all on the band wagon against CC in MN and WI. Not all pastors I am sure feel this way but a lot of the liberal ones do. I saw a whole group of these on the News in DUluth MN when the Concealed Carry issue was a big thing there last year and they are still fighting to get rid of it. I live in WI but get MN news so I see what is happening in the MN gun control issue as well as WI. Not saying I am sticking up for Catholic Charities or that Catholic Church on this issue I feel that gun issues are non of their business but obviously they do along with every other denomination out there and I do not agree with any of them! Jim