Author Topic: The many layers of voter fraud.  (Read 265 times)

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Offline DDZ

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The many layers of voter fraud.
« on: June 01, 2023, 01:58:05 AM »
Kari Lake didn't stand a chance in Arizona, due to all the layers of voting fraud.  the republican establishment didn't want her winning either.  As we discuss Trump/Desantis. Its not going to matter in 24 because the Marxist party has the cheating embedded and down to a science. Nothing has, and nothing will be done about it.  Since They stole the election for Biden. They stole the Georgia senate election, they stole the Pa senate election, the governor election in Arizona, and who knows how many more. Come 2024 the Marxists will have election theft down pat. Actually they already do.

Why Kari Lake Couldn't Close the Deal
By Jay Valentine

The 2022 stolen Arizona governor's election is an ideal template for 2024 — and it is equally a mirror reflection, with all the moving parts, of 2020.

This week, Kari Lake lost, again, in a court that wouldn't have given her a victory had 240,000 citizens signed affidavits saying their ballots were stolen and changed at gunpoint.

The courtroom exhibits may not have swayed the jurists, but those signature mismatches showed plenty of evidence that Kari Lake's election was stolen by a lack of signature verification — and more.

Kari Lake's election is the template for important American elections from now on.

Lake is a massively charismatic MAGA candidate who politicos know has the legs to go the distance.  She handles the press like how a kindergarten teacher handles unruly kids — except the teacher doesn't make the kids look stupid.  Kari does.
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Kari lost because she is naturally gifted and could upend established order.  The leftists pulled out all the stops — just like 2020 and, soon, 2024.

Her team's outstanding testimony in several court cases showed that elected officials changed printer settings, mostly in Republican areas, so printers would not process a ballot.

Officials ran signatures through a nonexistent verification process, counting several hundred thousand ballots that were clearly sketchy.

Our team did the expert witness report on Kari Lake election data showing elected officials jacked with voter rolls days before the election — as in 22,000 new voters and 107,000 changes to the rolls, and thousands of address changes.  We suspect that those voter roll manipulations were not to help Kari.

This is the reality of important elections in America today.

Ballot-harvesting is not the problem.  Signature verification is not the problem.  Jacking with the voter database days before the vote is not the problem.  Phantom voters — by the tens of thousands — are not the problem.  Election commissions allowing third parties real-time visibility to the voter cast ballot list to vote the recalcitrants is not the problem.  U.S. Postal Service employees gathering loose ballots for leftist groups is not the problem.

The problem is that leftists control the entire election apparatus in every swing state, and they have innumerable tools — like those just noted — to steal any election.  The Kari Lake election showed that the leftists will use all of them when needed.

The Kari Lake election is equally a template for 2024 because Lake's reaction is to take Arizona back by "chasing ballots."

That is the same strategy President Trump is employing — he calls it ballot-harvesting, being a bit looser with vocabulary.

Leftists are jumping for joy as Lake and Trump take the bait — outperform the pros at ballot-harvesting, when they have a dozen other ways to steal an election.  None of those ways is addressed by Lake or Trump.  They do not even understand them.

How about real-time, or close to it, snapshots of state voter rolls — especially around election time — to stop 33,000 ZIP codes from being changed the week mail-in ballots are sent out, then changed back?  Time series voter roll analysis exposes any change to a voter roll, which is later hidden when that change is reversed.

How about testing, real time, to stop 41,400 inactive voters from being changed to active, voted, then changed back again?

How about comparing the election rolls to the property tax rolls to make sure people residing in a vacant lot are flagged?  In Arizona, it's cool for someone to claim a street corner as his address — many thanks to years of RINO leadership.  How does the guy living on the street corner get a mail-in ballot?  It's not as if there is mail delivery to that tent on the corner in Phoenix.

We're not done.

What about the real-time access to state election systems to count cast ballots illegally given to leftist organizations so they know exactly how many ballots they need to win — by just a little?

What about tens of thousands of hidden secondary voter IDs, invisible to voters, electronically moved to counties where they are voted, then moved back?  They didn't vote; clever leftists took care of that civic duty for them.

How about the "contribution mules" making thousands of small donations, and when an intrepid reporter knocks on their door, they are amazed — since they didn't make the donations?  Anyone checking for that?

Does anyone think for a moment that "chasing ballots" with the Kari Lake Excellent Adventure team is going to stop leftists from tampering — successfully — with an election?

Or is it perhaps the only strategy to employ when you don't know what else to do?

How does one take on election fraud when it has so many layers, so many manifestations, that one cannot figure out where to start?  Sometimes any action is better than none — but do not confuse action with results.

Important elections in swing states are manipulated by elected officials.

Ballot-chasing won't change anything — it will just keep the troops busy until the next loss, followed by endless litigation.

These election fraud techniques share two characteristics: each is invisible to current technology, and each can be visualized and likely thwarted with real-time, high-speed database analysis.

Republicans don't embrace real time.

The RNC, the Trump Campaign, the Lake Campaign continue to fail with batch computer systems using 1970s technology.

Once that was an opinion.  It is now fact, since our team offered the Arizona election integrity team real-time cross-searching of county voter rolls.  They demurred — each of the seven times we offered.  It was for free — we would do all the work; just give us the data.

After doing the expert witness report for the Lake Campaign, we saw that had real-time analysis been in place, for even a single county, Lake could have stopped the thousands of voter roll manipulations made days before the election.  Lake would have surprised the leftists.  The 17,000-vote difference was well within her reach — just not her grasp.

Instead, here we are.  Lake losing court case after court case.  Arizona likely lost for a decade or more.

Real-time visibility is disruptive.  It disrupts the bad guys because they can no longer hide in latent, wildly inaccurate databases like those in Arizona.  Everything they do, down to changing a comma, is immediately visible.

Real time is disruptive to the Trump and RNC data types with their 1970s SQL technology that could not possibly thwart these leftist tactics.  They can't implement real time because they don't know how.

Real time is disruptive to the Republican election integrity types who hold seminars, gather donations, lose elections, file lawsuits, and gather more donations.  They offer those same 1970s ancient technologies.  It's all they know.

Perhaps instead of trying to "out-ballot-harvest" the professionals, it might make sense to out-compute them, stop their fraud apparatus in flight — something some of us know something about.
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Offline DDZ

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Re: The many layers of voter fraud.
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2023, 02:31:10 AM »
Im sure following the elections after the 2020, the election stealers have found boot licking truck drivers that will just drive and keep their mouth shut while driving truck loads of ballots into Pa, from other states.  They made the mistake once. They won't let it happen again. Not that it matters anyway, because not a thing was done about it the first time.

Sorry don't know how that other link got in there. Should have checked it. This is the right one.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline TrumpWon

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Re: The many layers of voter fraud.
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2023, 07:51:38 AM »
On the other hand maybe you can find another truck driver with a lengthy history of drug abuse, mental health issues and domestic violence to gin up another unprovable tale.

Offline Mule 11

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Re: The many layers of voter fraud.
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2023, 08:52:48 AM »
We have seen the treachery and fraud... I’ve heard there is an opening on the view, rumor is they need another stupid bitch to replace joy behar...