Author Topic: Evita Duffy speaks out..  (Read 129 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Evita Duffy speaks out..
« on: August 17, 2023, 08:53:35 AM »
  Evita, daughter of former Rep.Sean Duffy and  Rachel Campos Duffy, (both Fox contributors), speaks aboiutvthe Spanish civil war.  Here is history that has been distorted and lied about.

  The terms tha west used, was a lie to start..

  THe "Republicans" were not at all Republicans as we know it. Those Republicans, were truthfully, Communists.  Many American lefties went there to
  help the Commies..celebrities, writers, artists and actors (e.g. Hemmingway)

  The "Nationalists" were basically Christians, in this case Catholics, since that was the dominant denomination in Spain.

  Movie makers, writers and "intellectuals" (psuedo-intellectuals), sided with and propagandised for the Commies.., we can see the start of the same thing start to transpire..  the "Left"..that is assorted Communists are now agitating against Christians and conservatives.  They always start with the Christians..

     Many atrocities by Commies..    ...but I guess that is SOP !

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)