Author Topic: The Importance of Elected Leaders  (Read 102 times)

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The Importance of Elected Leaders
« on: September 28, 2023, 12:22:40 AM »

The New American:

In this issue, we feature a recent interview with Representative Matt Rosendale of Montana, one of Congress’ true unsung heroes who has quietly compiled a perfect 100-percent Freedom Index score during his time in Congress. Congressman Rosendale is a superb example of the type of staunch constitutionalist, pro-limited-government statesman that our country desperately needs. In recent years, we’ve seen a number of impressive constitutionalists elected to Congress, especially in the House, and they are beginning to exert significant influence over policymaking. But there are still far too few, and the need for more of them is growing more acute by the day. The unholy coalition of radical leftists and accommodationist RINOs that controls the federal government is accelerating its efforts to destroy our economy, our constitutional checks and balances, and our individual liberty, propelling the federal government into bankruptcy and stampeding the American people into serfdom and oppression.

This is why it is so important to elect the best possible leaders to Congress. Ideally, we would have a majority of men and women like Congressman Rosendale in both houses, elected leaders willing to be bound by the chains of the Constitution. Under such conditions, an informed electorate would work hand in hand with our elected leaders to restore constitutional government and individual liberty. Under such an arrangement, instead of the bitter, intractable resistance to spending cuts that has become a perverse Beltway norm, we would see a rapid reduction in spending and a disciplined paying down of the national debt. Instead of insolent Deep Staters and their bureaucratic myrmidons exercising illegitimate power, we would see thousands of government bureaucrats given the heave-ho, along with their noxious and unconstitutional agencies. Instead of widespread anger and cynicism over the status quo, we would see a measure of confidence in government restored. Instead of ever-more-strident cultural Marxism, we would see an end to the federal government’s war on families and its advocacy — with taxpayer monies — of every species of perversion. Instead of the ongoing destruction of the dollar via unrestrained inflation, we would see a phasing-in of gold- and silver-backed currency and an end to the Federal Reserve system. And instead of generations-old “America Last” policymaking, we would see a return to sanity and self-interest in our foreign policy, including defense of our borders and an end to our involvement in the United Nations system. All these, and many other things, would come to pass if a sufficiently informed and motivated electorate would elect enough men and women who would be true to their oath to the Constitution.

Accordingly, we at The New American hope to conduct, from time to time, a series of interviews with members of the House and Senate who have shown themselves friendly to the cause of constitutionalism and individual liberty. As our elected representatives, these people wield enormous influence in charting the course of the ship of state. They are neither royalty nor oligarchs, we hasten to add, but, as the current caretakers of our federal government, they determine how our taxes will be spent and to what degree — if at all — our government respects constitutional limits on its power. Yes, we the people have the final say at the polls, but, as current events are teaching us yet again, bad leadership in Washington can do a tremendous amount of damage in two or four years — damage that would be greatly mitigated by electing better leaders in the first place, and by giving more robust support to those good leaders already in office.

We see grounds for cautious optimism in the current situation on Capitol Hill. Instead of one or two lone voices pleading for constitutional government — which was the rule a generation ago — we now see a growing, confident contingent of leaders fighting to restore our lost liberties. We want our readers to become better acquainted with them, and to work to elect many more such.

Steve Bonta
Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.