Be careful with credit card debt.. Thirty year home loan now 8%..still virtually no interest in savings accounts Steve Bannon says credit card debts
will soon be at 27%..
No way for many to "dig out".. For just that reason, i never got into the credit card death spiral.. My card is paid off interest. But still
the PTB is robbing us on our savings IRA and 401K accounts.
Not hard to figure out... Inflation is at least 18% since biden stole the election... That means your savings, IRA and 401K dollars are worth 18% less, that is, have 18% less buying power.
Say you had $30,000 in savings account when the Biden crime family moved in.. It's buying power now, is less than $25,000..
Ofv course, Obnama took such good care of the big banks, that they don't
need our money, so they won't pay much interest,
which would help us keep pace with inflation.
..And the fat cats get fatter..