Author Topic: the end is within their grasp.  (Read 105 times)

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Offline Lloyd Smale

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the end is within their grasp.
« on: September 28, 2023, 05:36:00 AM »
i see their end game right now as pushing biden out and bringing in michele obama. she will get the female vote, the black vote and probably the better chunk of the independent vote. nobody will care that she has absolutely no experience because like biden she will just be a mouth piece. he will have controlled this country for 12 years and 8 moe will have us seeing full on socialism and with a handshake from china he will be able to put on a forever crown. they have already invited china in and have been working back door deals with them since the first obama administration. It will bring white slavery to this country and total anarchy. this border thing was no doubt an intentional mess created to take our attention away from their end game. democracy and the constitution wont even be allowed to be spoken about in school. that is if they even exist anymore. probably indoctrination camps will be more likely. civil war? the military brass is already in their pockets. this is going to be slammed into practice so fast there wont be time to organize any resistance and that said whos going to fight it other then some wore out old men like us. Cant even count on us guys that waste our time bashing each other over what church they go to or what part of the country they are from??  here we sit, screaming about the border, our schools, the intentional weakening our country by choking the fossil fuel industry, weakening our military and a big side show diverting our attention away from this plan by attempting to impeach a guy that cant tie his shoes. makes you wonder if a bunch of republican politicians like mccarthy arent in on it to. just WAY to many odd things and strange coincidences going on at the same time.  Dont know about you but it scares the crap out of me and it looks like it might be inevitable. id like to think it would take years to reach a very rural area like this but like most here i need my pension and social security to live and they could be ended with a stroke of a pen or the wave of obamas Septer 
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