Both posts above were made by astute observers. Communism has NEVER worked, and it never will ! Just for starters, it is expecting people who
hate God (a Communist expectation) to do what is fair and honest. It expects such ungodly ones to work hard, in a selfless manner.
That's not going to happen..
A natural outcome of the union movement, is a tendency for many individuals to lose their sense of being an individual, created in the image of
God. Instead they take on the identity of "the group", and act as hundreds under control of one mind.
We see that in Riots, strikes, Antifa and BLM... and yes, sometimes the right acts that way.
Greed is a feature of the "natural man", and can crop up at any time, particularly with the most "natural" among us.
For those unfamiliar with the term, "natural" refers to the unsaved human, and since today's Socialism/communism expects that among it's
devotees, they will get plenty of it !