Buy a meat grinder. We take cheap on sale chuck roasts and grind them into hamburger. We bought some brisket recently for $1.59 a lb. and made it into hamburger. Once you make your own hamburger, it tastes so so much better than store hamburger.
They once made most hamburger out of old milk cows that didn't produce as much milk. That is what made hamburger cheap. A lot of people today are buying soy, almond, and oat milk substitutes. Cream from real milk is made into ice cream, thus the push for 1% or 2% milk to have more cream to sell separately.
Anyway, they say cow farts cause global warming, so they are really pushing alternatives for beef and milk products. Grass fed beef don't really taste as good, but cows don't fart as much eating grass. Cows produce as much methane in their gas and manure in feed stalls and dairy farms to supply all the natural gas needed for all the gas homes in America. But it costs twice as much as drilling to get all the gas out of the manure. It has to be scooped up and put in a pool with a cover over it to go through the heat cycle and trap all the gas in the dome over it. Then filter and compress it and pump it into the natural gas system. Farts are mostly methane, and natural gas is 95% or more pure methane. Don't say anything to a liberal, or they will mandate trapping all this gas and using it instead of drilling. Oh, methane when released gets into the upper atmosphere and traps heat, thus contributing to global warming. Man, the dinosaurs, being much larger, must have put out a lot of methane and the earth was once really hot during their day.
Back to meat prices. Guy at work gets spring weaned calves, lets them pasture all summer, feeds them hay in the next winter, then pastures them another summer, then fattens them up with corn for a couple of weeks, then has them slaughtered. Gets a lot of beef and only has to buy hay for one winter, plus some corn. You only need about an acre minimum, east of the Mississippi, and you could raise your own.
The globalists want you to stop eating beef, then stop eating other meat, and eventually become vegetarians, to help stop global warming.
They want you to drive electric cars.
They want you to live in small all-electric homes using heat pumps and be dependent on the grid.
They want all electricity to be produced with windmills and solar panels, no gas, no coal, no nuclear power, and no damming of rivers for hydro power.
They want to stop strip mining for lithium, and other minerals needed.
They have no plan as to how to fix the grid, have giant battery banks for the wind and solar power, how to make things without mining or smelting of metals.
They want to decrease the population, but where are they going to get future workers that can pay the taxes needed to support the retired elderly.
They want to blame all the problems on the white man and western civilization.
Off my soap box, raise your own chickens, cows, hogs, rabbits, or something to have some meat, eggs, and milk. Raise your own garden. One or two acres of wheat can provide a family with bread for a year. But, you have to harvest it, thresh it, and grind it into flour. No matter what alternative, it is going to take work.