All there is now is theh "UNI-Party".
A figment of imagination that there are two ( or more ) parties in the US.
Been that way a long time.
I understand it to be best described as,
"Two wings on the same bird".
Left Wing & Right Wing and both want to keep folks thinking the two are on opposite sides of anything, but the middle(Body) is the same, and that is what keeps them in office & BSing the citizens...
( Look at the relationship between the two POS on either side of the US Senate for a great example. McConnell(R-KY) & Schumer( D-NY). Compare them & how they "make deals" that suit THEM and their cronies ( of either party...) & not the US Citizens. Don't believe me? Do your own research.
All they work on is how to profit off the ones(Us) who are voting for one wing or the other. It is a friggin Circus...
Clowns to the Left of me & Jokers to the Right... Here I am , stuck in the middle again." ( <Stealers Wheel lyrics)
YOU decide.