I assume there are witness marks present, if not scribe a mark on both the rear sight and the slide, exactly aligned with each other. Small and unobtrusive please. Take to the range with you the proper tool to loosen the retention screw(screw driver or allen wrench). I would advise loosening the screw at your shop in case resistance is met. It the sight is loose in it's dovetail almost no force may be needed to move it once the set screw is removed. A tiny hammer and a polished face punch is what I use to move those sights that still want a bit of convincing. Be certain the face of the punch is smooth. I use a white pencil available at sewing centers to mark the sights if a permanent mark is not desirable,. Move the sight in the desired direction a small amount. Remember, move the rear sight the direction you wish the bullet impact to move, the front sight moves in the direction opposite the direction the bullet impact must go. Caution as firing techniques may cause the pistols groups to move a bit. Depends on several factors. I usually shoot with my forearms supported on bags. Thumbing a 1911 can cause stoppages... Sounds weird but it is true.. I've never had the problem but understand habits!! The problem with calculating the amount to move the rear sight is measuring the sights movement. The amount needed for 2 inches will be tiny indeed and measuring that minute amount of movement is a pain. Besides, it is a bonafide reason to shoot some more.... If you should need one.
good luck!! Jerry