Author Topic: How most on the left see the Right side of things  (Read 247 times)

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How most on the left see the Right side of things
« on: May 31, 2024, 01:20:59 AM »
Bet you didn't know that you were a cultist. You are according to this expert Head shrink. If you believe in America first, and are voting for Donald Trump, he compares you to those whacko's who followed Jim Jones. Not just a few of us, but ALL of us. Including our Reps we send to DC. In his mind (If he has one) you are part of the most dangerous cults ever devised by mankind. He is spot on with most of his BS, but the problem is.......He got the political parties confused!

We're watching the largest and most dangerous 'cult' in American history | Opinion
Opinion by Seth D. Norrholm • 1d • 6 min read

I was dying…It was just a matter of time. Lying behind the wheel of the airplane, bleeding out of the right side of my devastated body, I waited for the rapid shooting to stop.

—Former Representative Jackie Speier in her memoir Undaunted: Surviving Jonestown, Summoning Courage, and Fighting Back recounting her experience after being shot five times during an ambush during her fact-finding visit to Jonestown, Guyana where Jim Jones and his cult, Peoples Temple, had built a compound.

It, combined with everything else that was going on, made it difficult to breathe…Being crushed by the shield and the people behind it … leaving me defenseless, injured.

—Metropolitan police officer, Daniel Hodges, describing being crushed in a doorway during the January 6, 2021, attack by Trump supporters on the U.S. Capitol
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In both of the examples above, the individual speaking was the victim of extreme violence perpetrated by followers of a single person whose influence had spread to hundreds of people (in the January 6th case, thousands of people). In fact, Speier’s experience with the Jim Jones followers was part of the single greatest loss of American life (918 people) prior to 9/11/2001. These followings have been given an umbrella name, cult, and have involved what has been traditionally called “brainwashing.” The cult leader receives seemingly undying support as the Dear Leader or Savior. However, the term brainwashing suggests that indoctrinated members are robots without free will – behavioral scientists argue that this is not the case. It’s an oversimplification.

Rather than being seen as passive victims to an irresistible force, psychiatrist Robert Lifton argues that there is “voluntary self-surrender” in one’s entrance into a cult. Further, the decision to give up control as part of the cult process may actually be part of the reason why people join. Research and experience tell us that those who are “cult vulnerable” may have a sense of confusion or separation from society or seek the same sort of highly controlled environment that was part of their childhood. It has also been suggested that those who are at risk for cult membership feel an enormous lack of control in the face of uncertainty (i.e., economic, occupational, academic, social, familial) and will gravitate more towards a cult as their distress increases. I would argue that many of these factors are at play when we see the ongoing support of Trumpism and MAGA “theology.”

Psychologist Leon Festinger described the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance in which there is a disconnect between one’s feelings, beliefs, and convictions and their observable actions. This dissonance is distressing and, in order to relieve the anxiety, people may become more invested in the cult or belief system that goes against who they are individually. As such, cult members become more “dug-in” and will cling to thoughts and beliefs that contradict available evidence. In other words, they are no longer able to find a middle ground or compromise.

How does this apply to today’s politics?

There was a time when the two major political parties in America could exhibit bipartisanship by moving across the aisle to compromise on the issues on which they were legislating. Tried and true Republicans who favored small government, lower taxes, and national security could find a middle ground with Democrats who pushed for things like universal healthcare, higher minimum wages, and progressive tax reform. The abortion issue in America has been an area of debate between the parties as they debated elements like when life begins, is a heartbeat a heartbeat, and what to do about post-birth abortions (which is murder and not actually a thing). There were largely two sides of the issue and some areas for compromise.

This is no longer possible in today’s sociopolitical climate. Although members of the GOP still refer to themselves as a political party with principled stances, the reality is they have now morphed into a domestic terror organization and to use the umbrella term, a cult – the largest and most dangerous cult in American history.

Cult thinking includes ardent adherence to group thinking such as – clinically speaking, in the face of distorted thinking we ask about one’s strength of conviction by querying, ”Can you think of other ways of seeing this?” Sadly, what we are seeing publicly is ‘No’ from those who still subscribe to Trumpism/MAGA.

Here are a few examples in today’s socio-political environment in which cultism has contributed to a lack of middle ground.

There is no middle ground on treasonous, conspiratorial, fraudulent behavior – these are crimes and, arguably, the worst crimes one could commit against their own country.

There is no middle ground on slavery.

There is no middle ground on allowing Americans to die through inaction in response to natural disasters and global health crises.

There is no middle ground on gunning down school children or wearing an AR-15 rifle pin and throwing away a pin to remember a Uvalde victim.

There is no middle ground on jeopardizing national security and retaining and sharing classified documents.

There is no middle ground on breaking campaign finance (i.e., hush money schemes) laws.

There should be no middle ground on tolerance of crime, period.

And so many know this. Tim Scott, Jim Jordan, and Marco Rubio (the last two having gone to law school), all know this and are smarter than they are acting – which takes us back to cult dynamics – if you are a dyed-in-the-wool cultist or pretending to be a cultist – but the outcome is the same – harm to the Country and its people – there is no difference. Whether you actually have a personality disorder or are pretending to be a sociopathically or psychopathically disordered person – if the result is the same – harm to your constituents and your country – what’s the difference? As noted in the opening paragraphs, there is a voluntary submission to cultism – Rubio, for example, identified all of the reasons why the 45th President was not qualified when he himself was running for President in 2016. However, perhaps due to his own intolerance of uncertainties in his life, volunteered for Trumpism.

What can be done?

There are exit strategies for people ensnared in a cult. One factor is accountability or repeatedly seeing the adverse consequences of the group’s behavior (e.g., indictment, incarceration, job loss) which we started to see even more of this week.

But until one party and its ardent followers can admit they are in a domestic terrorist cult and as Rep. Eric Swalwell said are “unserious” people, there is no hope of unification on the horizon. The first step is getting through to people who can’t or won’t see the truth.

So in this Morons opinion the founders of the once greatest nation ever established on earth, were Cultists.
I have always thought of psychology as voodoo science. Generally! After reading this Nutjobs piece, I'm sure of it.

About the Author:

Seth D. Norrholm, PhD (Threads: neuropsychophd; X, artist formerly known as Twitter: @SethN12) is a neuropsychologist and independent socio political columnist. Dr. Norrholm has spent 20 years studying trauma-, stressor-, anxiety-, depressive-, and substance use-related disorders and has published over 135 peer-reviewed research articles and book chapters. The primary objective of his work is to develop “bench-to-bedside” clinical research methods to inform therapeutic interventions for fear and anxiety-related disorders and how they relate to human factors such as personality, genetics, and environmental influences. Dr. Norrholm has been featured on NBC, ABC, PBS, CNN, MSNBC’s Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell,, The New York Times, The New York Daily News, USA Today, WebMD, The Atlantic, The History Channel, Scientific American,, The Huffington Post, and

Freedom Of Speech.....Once we lose it, every other freedom will follow.

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Re: How most on the left see the Right side of things
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2024, 01:45:54 AM »
...And Marxism is not a cult?  As I see it, they are a cult of the worst kind, denying any form of logic or critical analysis..

  ..So bad, it verges upon insanity, since we know that Marxism/communism has never worked or lived up to it's Utopian promises, no matter who tried it !

    'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ' (Albert Einstein).
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Re: How most on the left see the Right side of things
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2024, 04:04:34 AM »
Marxism is an atheist cult that doesn't take into consideration hard working people or lazy people, those who are smarter, innovative and inventive, religious beliefs, etc.  Thus in the long run it falls apart and spirals downward to the lowest common denominator. 

Marxists are jealous of successful people and rich people who became rich because of their successes.  A cult of jealousy. 

If every millionaire and every billionaire in America gave 100% of their wealth to the Federal government, it would only sustain the federal government for about 1 year, then what?  No more millionaires and billionaires, then they come after the upper middle class and on down it goes until everyone but the government leaders and workers are wealthy, and everyone else is a peon. 

Any government that allows capitalism like today's China and Russia, but keeps controlling party in power is actually Facist, like NAZI Germany and Italy in WWII.   

This is what the Democrats are shooting for with election interference, stuffing ballots, and changing computer counts to win elections.  They want total control and want to destroy those who don't like this as well as those rich people who disagree with them.  Trump was the darling of New York until he switched parties.  Elon Musk was the darling of the liberals and did cameo appearances in Ironman II as well as Young Sheldon, until he bought Twitter and wanted free speech.  Now he is being investigated by the FAA, as well as the SEC.  Yet, he owns the only rocket company that can currently launch all spy satellites and launch people to the ISS.  They don't bother investigating Jeff Bezos and Amazon because he is liberal, nor other rich liberals. 
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Re: How most on the left see the Right side of things
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2024, 08:45:20 AM »
Why would we pay any attention to this moron?
Aim small, miss small!!!
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Online ironglow

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Re: How most on the left see the Right side of things
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2024, 11:28:53 AM »
That is what happens when people reject God.  They must invent gods of their own, which in the case of the Commies..government is their god.

  They want to bow down to government, worship government and become the property of almighty government.

 Naturally, since they reject God , their human icons stand for them instead... Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Che Guvera, Little Kim and Pol Pot, all seem to be
  fixtures in their pantheon.

  Reason goes by the wayside, and utter madness takes over..

  Men can become women..not only that, but they can menstruate and have babies too. 

  Queers with pounds of makeup, wearing "women's" clothes which no self respecting woman would wear.

  Youngsters using litter boxes. and supposed parents and "guardsians" allowing quacks to hack on pre-pubescent children..

   I hasten to mention that it was just a few, short years ago, when EVERYBODY was So just WHO is denying reality now? Sounds very cultish to me..

  This is what passes for "normal" with them...   SO, JUST WHO IS DEEPLY INVOLVED IN A CULT OF DENIAL?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)
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Re: How most on the left see the Right side of things
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2024, 10:35:31 PM »
There is a lot to unpack in this article. The comments by Dixie Dude and Iron glow regarding the futility of communism are spot on. As for the rest.... I have always been and remain wary of articles that claim to know what "most" people are thinking.

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Re: How most on the left see the Right side of things
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2024, 06:41:33 AM »
Elon Musk used to be left of center in American politics.  He showed on X (Twitter) that the left has moved further leaf leaving him right of center now.  The pendulum swung too far left.  The result is Trump who fights back.  Trump used to be left of center also and was registered as a democrat in New York.  He changed parties because of the push further left.  Now the senator from West Virginia has moved from democrat to independent.  He also thinks the democrats have gone too far left. 

Democrats used to watch poll numbers.  Clinton was good at this.

Polls show most Americans are against late term abortions and that there should be restrictions.

Polls show most Americans believe something must be done about illegals crossing the border.  They believe there should be restrictions.

The far left is not looking at the poll numbers anymore.  They are hell bent to make America a Socialist/Communist state. 
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