Author Topic: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..  (Read 194 times)

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Online ironglow

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For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« on: August 24, 2024, 10:27:34 AM »
  Here is a program that seems to make more sense than a sterile "own nothing, and eat bugs" future.  Part of a "carbon farming" future..

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Re: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2024, 03:29:09 PM »
Oh, shoot!  I thought you were gonna give us tips on gun and cannon cleaning.  Now I'm disappointed.


Online ironglow

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Re: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2024, 04:52:05 PM »
Oh, shoot!  I thought you were gonna give us tips on gun and cannon cleaning.  Now I'm disappointed.


  Carbon is carbon...
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Re: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2024, 02:53:29 AM »
Yes, at one time about 20 years ago, there was a big push to plant trees.  Trees take carbon dioxide out of the air to grow.  I personally think we should grow more vegetables in greenhouses year round like the Netherlands.  The Netherlands is the 3rd largest exporter of food behind the US and Canada.  It is a very small country but produced a huge amount of Europes vegetables, not grains.  In the US one acre of greenhouse can produce, in one year, about the same amount of produce as 10 acres.  This would put a lot of land back into forest or even pasture for cattle production.  Farmers will however, need tax cuts or incentives to build commercial grade greenhouses. 

Another idea, but never developed is building greenhouses to grow algae and make algae fuels.  Idea is you take carbon out of the air growing algae, but when you burn it as gasoline or diesel you put it back, so it is carbon neutral, thus not adding to the carbon dioxide.  Greenhouses covering an area the size of Rhode Island could power the entire US gasoline and diesel vehicles, thus no need to go electric.  Exxon said the fuel would cost about $4-5 a gallon at the pump, but this was when gasoline was $2 a gallon back when Trump was in office.  It might be worth it now.  Oh, and some algae species are 50% oil.  Grow it, squeeze it out, refine it into diesel and gasoline. 

Both of these ideas would be cheaper to implement than thousands of windmills, especially more expensive offshore windmills, upgrading the grid to handle these new windmills, battery backups which are expensive, etc. 

Another would be to put modular nuke power plants where the old coal plants were. 

Of course, I am not a lobbyist that can pay senators and representatives to vote another way, or not vote at all.  Boy do we need term limits in congress and the senate. 

There is also enough natural gas from cow manure in feed stalls and dairy farms to produce all the residential natural gas in America.  It is normally just vented into the air, which gets trapped at high altitudes and causes warming, more so than carbon dioxide.  Why not just trap it, filter it, and pump it into the natural gas system and burn it.  Less so called global warming.  Again, it costs about twice what drilled or fracked natural gas costs, but it is available.  Also, by using it, this would shut up the people not wanting us to eat beef or use dairy products.  Got to fight back somehow. 

I have long advocated putting solar panels over flat topped buildings and parking lots instead of farmland.  Or even over the interstates.  We have 1 mile of paved road for every square mile of land in America.  Wasted solar power above them and the dark asphalt contributes to global warming also.  Keep the roads cool with solar panel covers.  Elon Musk has stated that a 100 mile by 100 mile area of the Nevada desert covered with solar panels could power the entire US, but transmission of this power to where it is needed is the biggest hurdle.  So, just use the roads, parking lots, and building tops and cover them with solar panels.  They are making solar panels now out of flexible film, very thin and easier to handle.  Might have to avoid tornado alley, due to hail and high winds, but most people live on the east and west coasts with a lot of roads and flat top buildings.  Walmart in Arizona put solar panels on top of one of their super centers.  It produced enough power to power all of this Walmart's refrigeration and freezer equipment, as well as their lights and heating and air condition, and still had enough left over power for 200 homes.  This was not even covering their parking lot for nice shady parking under solar panels.  Walmart said they were going to use solar over all their southwestern Walmart's to save power costs. 

Off my soapbox. 
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Online ironglow

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Re: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2024, 02:01:00 AM »
    Well; the WWC (world wide communists) wanr a huge cut in agricultural production. 

  Now being sarcastic.. So, won't millions of People starve?  From the WWC.. Well sure, but why do you think we are pushing homosexuality,
  abortion and any form of population so stridently ?

  Yes, they want to cut the world's population drastically.... kindly referred to as "depopulation"..

  Those super productive Dutch farmers  THe Netherlands government tells farmers..shut down most of your farm ..or face expropriation of yoiur land..

  It seems all Europe is falling in with the starvation plan..

  Keep in mind "climate changhe" is only the excuse to hasten the starvation of millions..

        So let's take a critical look...the world is producing slightly less than enough food what will these cuts do ?

     So, who starves first? My opinion only,logically the ones who are near starvation now..and those countries which don't farm much on their own,
   unless they are oil-rich..
   People in sub Saharan Africa and other third world countries will go first..  Then there are nearer places, such as Haiti.

   If it continues far enough, the poorest here would suffer......  the city homeless, those forced to live in cars, vans etc.
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Re: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2024, 02:23:45 AM »
Back to heirloom seeds and growing your own.  Then hunting, fishing, and trapping.  Now I see why they want to put solar panels on agricultural land, not over parking lots and flat top buildings, or over highways.  Western Europeans and white Americans, Chinese, and Japanese are already decreasing however slowly.  Sub-Saharan Africa is the fastest growing now, but can't completely feed themselves without Western, Russian, or even Ukrainian grains.  The war in Ukraine also hurts agricultural production with both countries. 

I've read that they want only about 500-600 million total people in the world.  I also have read that the US could supply 1 billion with our current standard of living.  We would have to build more nukes for the power and recycle most all metals, but that was done in WWII without much trouble.  The US still has an 800 year supply of coal, 200 years of oil and natural gas.  Then synthetic oil from algae and natural gas from dairy farms and feed stalls could keep us going much longer.  Even Elon Musk said we are not giving out of raw materials for a higher population.  The oceans haven't even began to be mined, and they cover 75% of the earth. 

For the Globalists, it is all about power and control.  Modern NAZI's.  They allow capitalism but want to control everything through banking and loans to capitalist companies they approve of.  Well, after communism failed, GW Bush Sr. said we were ushering in a New World Order. 
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Re: For those HONESTLY concerned with excess carbon..
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2024, 02:56:41 AM »
Back to heirloom seeds and growing your own.  Then hunting, fishing, and trapping.  Now I see why they want to put solar panels on agricultural land, not over parking lots and flat top buildings, or over highways.  Western Europeans and white Americans, Chinese, and Japanese are already decreasing however slowly.  Sub-Saharan Africa is the fastest growing now, but can't completely feed themselves without Western, Russian, or even Ukrainian grains.  The war in Ukraine also hurts agricultural production with both countries. 

I've read that they want only about 500-600 million total people in the world.  I also have read that the US could supply 1 billion with our current standard of living.  We would have to build more nukes for the power and recycle most all metals, but that was done in WWII without much trouble.  The US still has an 800 year supply of coal, 200 years of oil and natural gas.  Then synthetic oil from algae and natural gas from dairy farms and feed stalls could keep us going much longer.  Even Elon Musk said we are not giving out of raw materials for a higher population.  The oceans haven't even began to be mined, and they cover 75% of the earth. 

For the Globalists, it is all about power and control.  Modern NAZI's.  They allow capitalism but want to control everything through banking and loans to capitalist companies they approve of.  Well, after communism failed, GW Bush Sr. said we were ushering in a New World Order.

   True DD...if one looks carefully...almost  every "crisis' is in one way or another...a grab for power..the covid crisis, the climate crisis, the border crisis, the fuel shortages,

  look back at the "climate crisis"...first they tried a "coming ice age'..then when that didn't attract enough crazies, they almost immediately switched to "global warming"..
  Then when it became obvious thatit wasn't just warming..but natural cycles, then it became "climate change"..

..And som are still too dense to realizze theatclimate is purely cyclical.. daily, seasonally, yearly ...and throughought the millennia.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)