P.S> - I would surely like to see the "Anti Trump/TDS" libtards try to respond with some FACTS on this last comment/post I just made from V.Davis Hansens article.
Really ..l. I just don't think you Leftists & Trump Haters are able to get your ideas & message across to most folks who have any intelligence.
I just don't think ya "got what it takes".
SHOW ME, IF ya can... ( Note/BTW... I ain't holding my breath waiting for your replies/comments, & not betting that ya can do much more that repeat propaganda in your own attempted defense....... I think you are Weak tits, & just don't have what it takes... Prove me wrong... Hahahahaa Not likely.)
PPS. - NOW , Darkgael, you can say I have crossed the "threshold" of Ad Hominem.
I despise Anti American POS, & any propaganda that supports any Anti- American viewpoints. .
I can tolerate some dissension from others who do not see things as I might/do, and I certainly welcome FREE SPEECH, just as it is. .... a RIGHT/FREEDOM mentioned in the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution, & i can even tolerate those who disagree with me that come up with a decent argument to support their position...
With that said...I abhor & hold in GREAT DISDAIN the Whiny Anti-American POS, who can't do anything more than incite folks without having the ability to defend their own position when asked to do so.
They are COWARDS.... Plain as that.
Just for some sideline background about why I am so adamant in my views about those who don't take the time to actually provide FACTS & are seemingly not willing to defend their views...
I grew up in the 1960s into the 1970s with having Discourse & Debate around the supper table. Often times to have to take the side AGAINST others and defend the particulars, to learn how to debate points even when I did not support the ideas or position.
The DEBATE was not just a "extracurricular activity", but a STAPLE of how to learn to defend what you Knew, against what was just plain BS; OR, to accept that there are others who may not have the same point of view, but with good argument & debate, might be persuaded to look at things from another point of view.
Civics, along with Debate, is not taught much any more. (Not that I know of anyway, & I was thinking perhaps a couple of you were old enough to KNOW about such things. I am likely incorrect. I made a bad guess about it apparently...)
Loss to ALL in the world, for that info not being shared or taught...
Particularly in THIS COUNTRY, the USA.
Do you have the same type background IN DEBATE? (<Rhetorical ??. I doubt it anyway, so your answer would be kind of "moot". I question that you do.
Once again...... you and the troll -man can prove me wrong.
Get some.