My opinion piece:
A balanced presentation from Land_Owner... It would seem that the Dems side presents little hope, either for the present or the future.
Little hope that is, for the vast majority of the population..although there may be the satisfaction (?) for the few super wealthy "control=freak" types.
However, that at best, will be fleeting.. Like many who have clawed their way into extreme wealth... while neglecting perhaps the most important
facet of life. For them, sadness and misery will be the end result.
I have said here...and many very learned people agree..that there are two major natures/powers in all creation ..and we rarely catch glimpses
of them.
I speak here of the spiritual forces which actually move and direct all of mankind, whether the individual being conytrolled, knows it or not.
Either direction is voluntary on the individual's part.....I am of course, speaking ofwhether one surrenders to the living God, or his antagonist.
Virtually everyone has Gods aims and desires available to us through His there is little excuse for disregarding it.
Comparing the sides Land_Owner discussed, it is not hard to see the natures come through..
Generally speaking, one side respects and honors God.. the other side promotes and elevates practices that God has warned us against.
One side does it's best to honor God, while the other seems to promote things that He has proscribed or forbidden...
Examples? .. promoting the LBGTQ practices that He has advised against, killing the pre-born, mutilating those already born and harassing His people..just for starters (which is one relatively sure way of identifying His antagonists servants)
Just as in all life, there is the clear vs murky, the ying vs yang, the right vs wrong...and the holy vs unholy..our choice to make..
A film illustrating what the wrong side is aiming for...