As a tax paying US citizen, I couldn't care less about whether the money is wasted on someone's idea of a nice program, or something that is obviously a rip off. Cut it out--now!!! We are not the saviors of all the half fast crap hole countries on the planet. If the do-gooders want to spend their own wampum on stupid give aways, let them pass the hat around and go to it.
Even for justifiable programs, the government needs to be very stingy with our tax money and foreign aid in any form should be rare and based on what is best for the USA.
However, the truly best way to get such things to stop is to change who we elect to the legislative branch, not elect a new king. Kings always think they should tell you what you can do and not do. I have never found my self very receptive to being told what I can and can't do by anyone but God.
Who in blazes was elected "king" ? If you are suggesting that Pres Trump is acting like a king, you could not be more wrong.
In my mind he is more comparable to Elliott Ness..rooting out the rot and being "untouchable" in that he doesn't have any need to be
a grifter.
He seems content with what he has already earned..demonstrated by his refusal of a paycheck, while his detractors (Demonrats) scream about
Elon..and have NO CURIOSITY about what Elon has discovered...or rather, uncovered...
To me it looks like a great give away..where the recipients must give back...under the table.
BNad enough, USAID is giving to truly nutsy LGBTQ/WOKE crap, as well a politically parftisan groups..
..But just check this link out ! I don't know how you see it, however I cannot but think of it as just another COMPLETLY NUTSY give away, where
somebody can rake plenty back. Now they are in real trouble..with PeTA on their case.. Please; don't pee on my leg...and try to tell me it is raining..