Finished JD's book.. Great story, demonstrating how a man from very humble origins, can achieve the American dream and even more.
..But it won't just be handed over without effort. Most often, as in JD's case.. it will take plenty of "blood, sweat and tears"...
Now I am well into.... STOP MASS HYSTERIA... " America's insanity from the Salem witch trials to the Trump witch hunt" Michael Savage.
So far, Michael Savage provides insights into the madness and "wokeism" that has overtaken the unthinking left.
He starts off explaining "mass hysteria', as was a feature of the mobs who shrieked for the death of women accused of witchery !
He offers a plethora of examples of how the neo-left has co-opted the very essence of Orwell's "groupthink", and why we hear them all speaking
the same "new speak" language.
Groupthink is when individuals have forsaken thinking for themselves, but in their desire to conform and be accepted, they adopt what their
"leaders" are spouting. Intrinsic with this surrender, is the adoption of certain words or phrases.. (e.g. cisgender, birthing person, transexual)
Even the major media joined in .. I think we all observed how the major media would all seem to use the very same word or phrase in their
news cast or news print. Often we can switch from one network to another..and hear the same word of phrase to open their news.
..."group think"... and group think reaches it's crecendo in mass hysteria..
That about encapsulates what I have read so far in the book..