They may be Russian speakers, etc., but the deal was made at the breakup of the old Soviet Union. Among other things, the Ukraine would give up
it's nuclear program and then be granted their entire national land and freedom from the USSR...The contract was signed sealed and delivered.
Now; I think the Indian nations in the USA, would be far better off, were they to be absorbed by the country, and treated as other Americans...,
but treaties were made back then..and they were signed, sealed and delivered. So we must honor them until both are willing to dissolve
those contracts.
That being said, no peace treaty stands a chance, if we were to think that Putin would come to any bargaining session, just to be accused of
sundry crimes offenses. That is not how diplomacy is cionducted, and that's apparently how the Bidenites tried to do it.
....That is, if they tried to do anything at all..