I've shot it,..but don't regularly shoot it. :grin: Don't think very highly of it,so far anyway, for these reasons:
Quite sensitive to moisture. Each can,however, has a few small moisture collecting packets inside each pound container to help prevent cake up.
Leaves a fair amount of white/gray residue in the powder measure, almost like powdered sugar?
The powder seems to me that it is on the weaker side of any charges that I have shot,grain for grain,as compared to Pyro RS anyway. I even used FFFg APP thinking it would at least be comparible to Pyro RS in FFg.
May be just my perception,however.
I was not very happy with my groups at 100 yds and tried various projectile types and charges from 70,...up to 100 grains.
This said, I wanted to try it because it offers water cleanup and hearing from others that have gotten great results by using it. :? Also, have not tried it in the Huntsman, only in a CVA Mag Hunter so far.
Positives: The patch between shots seemed even better than 777 and didn't notice any crud ring problems like I get with 777.
WOW, $ 1.80 per/tube?? You must have meant per pack of like 6 ?
At 100 gr for $1.80, that would be like $ 126.00/lb. :eek:
I paid $17.00/lb bottle, which is 7,000gr/lb, or 70 (100gr) shots per lb. so would cost $ 0.24 per shot + tax.
American Pioneer and AP are trademarks of APP,Inc. Clean Shot is /was a trademark of Clean Shot Technologies,Inc. :roll: