Anchorage just got a new Sportsmans Warehouse store. I did my part to make their new store a success. A nice shiney new stainless Blackhawk .45 with 45/8" barrel followed me home when I left. I'm cleaning and breaking it in as we speak, giving it a poor mans trigger job. Expecting to send the cylinder off to cylindersmith for a little reaming so the 330gr lead will fly straight. Then some pachmayr presentation grips (I know some of you hate rubber on your guns but I've had 'em for 20 years on my SBH.) Got the 330gr slugs, a bag of new brass and H110, Unique and 2400 leftover from the .44
My question ... what is your favorite holster for a gun this size? It is a trail gun for hiking, fishing, berrying, snowmachining, 4wheeling etc.. here in Alaska. So if I'm in the woods it's with me. I'm thinking cross draw may be the way to go but not sure. This is replacing my old .44 71/2" SBH that had a big old flap holster. Looking for something much more handy, hopefully without breaking the bank. Suggestions?