I owned a Ruger 77/44. It was blued with a walnut stock, they also make this gun in stainless with a synthetic stock.
I bought mine because I wonted the smallest carbine I could fine for Whitetails out to 150 yards. After hunting with this gun for a season I realized my Remington Model - 7 in 7mm-08 was a little lighter, compact and more versatile so I sold the Ruger.
I killed two six pointers with mine. One was at 110 yards and both dropped within 5 to 10 yards of were they had been shot. The Ruger was ACCURATE ! I only shot Winchester 250 Partition shells out of it , but they would group around 1" 3-shot group at 100 yards. It was a nice rifle. ( I should have kept it, its rare you find a gun that would shoot as good fresh out of the box.)
I would probably limint my shots to 140 - 150 yards. That fat bullets starts to slow down rather quick.