All of us Alaskians need to brain storm about changes we would like to see made to Bear Hunting regulations or any other hunting regs, next year. We need to get togeather and put our proposals togeather in force so the Game Board will take a serious look at them. We currently have a friendly board, and we need to get as many needed changes made while we can. We have until December, yes I know that is a long time away. But we need to think about the changes and discuss them amountst ourselves, so we can make an informed and intelligent proposal, in such a manner that it stands a chance of getting looked at seriously, and a good chance of getting passed. One forinstance is the regs on using scent for bears. Another is areas closed to vehicles for hunting suposedly to keep it pristine, when the whole area is laced with mining trails. Wood River Control Use Area for instance. All proposals need to be in before December. Sourdough