Author Topic: Stock Refinishing Paste  (Read 386 times)

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Offline oneb

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Stock Refinishing Paste
« on: April 16, 2004, 09:31:20 AM »
I just ran out of an old stock refinsihing material called STOCK GLAZE. It came in a short jar and was made in Skokie Illinois in the 60s and 70s. It was a reddish paste with a gritty consistency. When you rub a littel into gun stocks with your palm and heat of the friction liquifies it and most of it absorbs into the surface giving a hard, low flash, satin finish that resists water and scratches. It really enhnced older
finishes and took out a lot of light scratches to boot.

I have looked everywhere -- local specialty wood working shops, cabinet maker catalgoues etc.. and the Internet w/o success.

I anyone out there familiar with the product and aware of a sutiable substitute?


Offline gunnut69

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Stock Refinishing Paste
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2004, 06:34:41 PM »
oneb- Sorry I've not run avross it...  If you find a source please let us know..  I'm always trying something new and it sounds like a good ptoduct..  Perhaps contacting the company that made the product would be possible??  Let us know who the maker was and perhaps we can help look..
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