Author Topic: Buckmark Target pistol trouble?  (Read 2377 times)

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Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« on: February 09, 2004, 06:51:41 AM »
Having just picked up a slightly used Browning Buckmark 22 LR from Gandermountain, I finally had a chance to shoot it yesterday.  There was one empty that hung up in the chamber and a few shells that didn't fire.  The fireing pin hit, but not hard enough.  (I'm guessing.)  When loaded again, they all went off.  The gun was supposed to have been disassembled and cleaned at Gander.   There is a yaer warrenty on it, but should I start with trying different ammo?  I was shooting the standard CCI Lead w/ Black box.  From the 75 shoots, I can see it's pretty accurate and fits my hand good.  With the finger groove walnut grips, the gun is very similar to my 45 with the rubber/wood grips w/ finger grooves.  I plan to use this gun for Bullseye type target practice.
Any idea's?

Offline John Traveler

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Buckmark malfunction
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2004, 07:12:55 AM »

The most common reason for failure to fire in .22 rimfire auto pistols is gunk lubricant from lead bullets, firing residue, and dirt in the firing pin channel.  It probably would not hurt to disassemble and detail clean the pistol.  Failing that, a few shots of aerosol gun cleaner and drying with compressed air should make a BIG difference.  Re-lubricate with general-purpose lubricate or WD-40.

Ammo related failures are so rare that they can be a distant second cause of your failures to fire.

John Traveler

Offline ftstinyc

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2004, 05:37:42 PM »
Shane I could be wrong but I don't think there is a year warranty on used
guns at Gander. I think used is 90  days. one year on new ones. I would
take it back and tell them to fix it. If you mess with it yourself they may
not honor the warranty.

Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2004, 04:32:49 AM »
You're right on the warrenty.  I just called and checked.  They will clean it.  Guy on the phone, said that sometimes they need scrubbing every 50 rounds?  I would imagine a cleaning is all that's required.   They forgot to have me sign one spot so they ask that I come back in anyway.  Offering a $20 certificate for my trouble.  Origional price was $289, but after the discount for starting a new credit card there, the final price was $290.  Now $20 less, it just keeps getting better and better.
Thanks for the replies.

Offline ftstinyc

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2004, 05:59:00 AM »
Shane. That guy at Gander is giving you a line of s--- they don't need
as he would say scrubbing after 50 rds. I have shot 3-4 hundred rds thru
my buckmark at a time with no problems what so ever. If it is still not
right after you get it back take it bach again and again if you have too.
   They may even discount it futher.  BTW some balk ammo will have some
duds in the box. Good luck.

Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2004, 06:05:07 AM »
Exactly what I thought.  Guy I talked to was not a gunsmith, just the counter guy.  I'm taking it in tonight for service.  I didn't get to try other ammo, just the CCI Blazers.  Maybe it just wasn't cleaned well enough.
I do like the pistol, though.

Offline Questor

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2004, 07:14:10 AM »
Were you shooting outdoors or indoors? If outdoors, and you're in Wisconsin, the problem is that the gun is too cold to cycle reliably with the ammo you have. If you put a drop of oil on the top round in the magazine and on the curved surface of the magazine that is closest to the bullet noses, it will probably work fine outdoors in the cold.  This is a quirk of semi-auto .22s, and .22 revolvers have their own quirks that sometimes prevent reliable operation in the cold.  I recommend Shooters Choice FP10 as a cold weather lube for the slide on the gun.
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Offline unspellable

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22 misfires
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2004, 11:56:32 AM »
Contrary to one remark above, I have had cartridges misfire.  I often get misfires with Remington Thunder whazzit, Remington's cheap loading.  I avoid this particular cartridge.

Examine the misfired cartridges to see if they have a good proper solid dent in the rim.  If so, it was the cartridge's fault.  If they do not have a good solid hit, then try cleaning the pistol.  After that it's time to suspect something wrong with the pistol itself.

Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #8 on: February 11, 2004, 05:15:45 AM »
Yes I was shooting outdoors in the cold.  The rounds that didn't fire the first time were dented, but not hard enough to fire.  I would explain it as the slide went back far enough to insert the new round, but not fully cock the pistol.  I know this isn't the correct explanation, but between the cold and cleaning, I would not think this a big problem.

Offline Questor

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2004, 05:56:25 AM »
I don't think you've got an abnormal problem with your gun, Shane. We got a Buckmark for for the kids to learn with and it jams every other shot in the Minnesota cold.  We use Federal/Walmart bulk ammo mostly, but I've tested it with others, including standard velocity ammo. A drop of FP10 on the top round of each magazine solves the problem for us.  Our gun was new and didn't need cleaning and it jammed. Unless your gun is a cruddy looking filth bomb, it probably doesn't need more cleaning than it had at Gander Mountain prior to the sale.  Try it in an indoor range and you'll see a difference, or should anyway.  You won't need to clean that Buckmark often. Just keep the slide lubricated and Q-tip the gunk off of the extractor and other obvious areas of obvious build-up (like around the firing pin.  40 degrees seems to be a magic number with semi-auto pistols I've used. They start to get unreliable then.  20 degrees gives me another significant drop in reliablility. Zero degrees and lower can get comical.

I haven't tried it for this purpose, but you may want to try some spray-on Hoppes dry lube if you want to shoot it in the cold. It may help if you replace the oil on the slide with the dry lube.
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Offline ftstinyc

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2004, 07:06:47 AM »
If that Gander mountain is anything like the one here they don't detail
clean  the used guns. If you have a problem then they will clean it and
inspect the parts. I would take it in and let them do it. As far as shooting
in cold weather I have been shooting my Buckmark at a range I have in
my yard with the temp in the 20's with no problem at all. The ammo has
been K-mart dynapoints. 500rds for $12.99. For a lube all I use is fp-10.
  Some guys do use the dry lube however in cold weather. another good
one is Rem oil. After it drys it just leaves a teflon coating. There are
artificial oils that don't change viscousity in cold weather also.

Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2004, 10:11:35 AM »
Finally got to Gander w/ the pistol.  Turns out this particular store didn't have a smith on staff right now, so it would go to another store anyway.  Manager asked me to try some different ammo as the buckmark's are sometimes picky.  He sold me (at 100% discount) 2 different boxes of ammo to try.  $8 worth for free and for coming into sign the extra paper that was forgotten, I got a $25 gift card for my trouble.  Can't beat that.
I'll try this first, and either take it apart myself or take it into the Madison store for warrenty cleaning.  Just thought I'd update you guys on the gun.  I really like the feel and balance of it even though I haven't shot it much yet.

Offline Ruger4Me

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2004, 05:02:33 AM »
My friend and I both have Buckmark's, they will eat anything you put in them. I have never heard of one being picky eater.

Mine will do as you stated, misfiring and not fully ejecting the cases some ware between 600 and 1000 rounds, I try to fully clean mine after 500 rounds. I have thousands of rounds through mine, and love it.

I use a Teflon based oil on mine and have never had any cold weather problems.

If you do it yourself, after you take it apart, use brake cleaner and spray the bolt/slide out good, I use a brass brush to help get the hard stuff off.  Lightly lube it with a Teflon based oil.

Offline brian 50cal

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2004, 08:51:11 AM »
I was at the Appleton Gander Mountain today and asaw the same model new for sale.  The price was $220 for the round barrel with plain black grip, and $240 for the ones that were more fancyed up.  Which one did you go to?  I'm also looking at getting one to use on the trapline and target shooting.

Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2004, 09:22:57 AM »
I bought the Buckmark 5.5 Target with the finger groove walnut grips.  Heavy barrel (.9) hooded sights and full length scope mounting rail.  It was used for $289, but with the various discounts listed above, around $260 out the door.  Seems to shoot tight groups although I really haven't done much with it yet.

Offline dpastor

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #15 on: March 04, 2004, 10:04:35 AM »

I tried that Remington Thunder stuff too.  All of my .22's, revolver and auto had problems.  Misfires were common, but the worst problem was the "dirt".  Every case came out with black deposits on the outside (almost to the rim).  My autos would start acting up about 50 rounds into the session.  In fact, the bolt on my rifle would not close that last little bit after 50 rounds and the groups opened up.  You sure could spot the brass on the ground mixed in with other cases.  I switched to PMC "Scoremaster" standard velocity.  The guns came out clean after about 100 rounds each.  No mess in the barrel, or anywhere for that matter.  I'm sold.

Cold weather with an auto can be a problem unless a lubricant that does not congeal at cold temps is used, and thinly.  Take some of your lube and leave it outside, you might be surprised.
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Offline papajohn428

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #16 on: March 04, 2004, 11:42:13 PM »
I've had my Buckmark for ten years or more, and love it.  But anytime I get a misfire, the culprit is the same.  I get out the allen wrench, tighten down the rear sight a little, and everything is back to good again.  It usually takes about 200 rounds for it to loosen up, but not always.
As for being finicky, mine will NOT shoot W-W's "Xpert" 22 ammo, ever.  It refuses to feed in several other guns, both rifle and pistol.  Nothing else has caused any problems.  I used to shoot a lot of Rem bulk ammo, and got a higher rate of misfires than with any other ammo, so now I just buy the cheap Federal stuff, and have no problems.  HTH.
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Offline Shane in WI

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #17 on: April 26, 2004, 03:40:25 AM »
I finally took some time and detail cleaned my Buckmark myself.  Never did get back to Gander for service.  The rear screw was loose, as suggested.  I followed the owners manual and pulled the barrel and slide.  I also adjusted the trigger and widened the front site blade.  Shot one clip w/o problems w/ cheap blazer ammo amd it shot fine.  Am headed to the range tonight for some real testing.  I imagine it's taken care of.
Thanks for the help.

Offline Jim101

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #18 on: April 27, 2004, 03:12:50 AM »
I have a friend with a BuckMark that has a similar problem.  Sometimes he pulls the trigger and nothing happens, then he pulls it again and the gun fires, ejects and loads another round..? Any ideas? Dirty?


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Offline ftstinyc

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #19 on: April 27, 2004, 07:12:26 AM »
Does the gun have a overtravel screw in the trigger. If so it may need to
be backed up a half turn or so.  Tell your friend to make sure he lets the
trigger forward enough to reset after he fires a shot.

Offline Jim101

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #20 on: April 27, 2004, 07:36:19 AM »
No, he doesn't have an overtravel screw.  But, I will tell him your other idea..I never thought of that..

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Offline XP1900

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #21 on: April 27, 2004, 07:44:05 AM »
Sometimes he pulls the trigger and nothing happens, then he pulls it again and the gun fires, ejects and loads another round..? Any ideas? Dirty?

check the rear screw on the sight base.  if it is loose the base will lift up slightly and can cause miss fires.

Offline Jim101

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #22 on: April 29, 2004, 07:21:36 AM »
We check the screw that holds the rail down on the back, still doesn't work? I think he is taking it to a gunsmith today..............I'll let you know what the problem was..


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Offline Questor

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #23 on: April 29, 2004, 11:05:10 AM »
Sounds dirty to me. I've been able to close the bolt, but not quite all the way, and it would allow me to pull the trigger repeatedly. Closing it all the way solves the problem. Crud seems to build up on the rod above the chamber. This may be one of those cases where crud builds up and has a color that matches the gun, so it looks like it belongs there. Poke around in that area with a toothpick to see if you dislodge anything that might be blocking complete closure.
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Offline Jim101

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2004, 12:14:07 PM »
He dropped it off with a gunsmith to have a look....I'll let you know what happens..

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Offline XP1900

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Buckmark Target pistol trouble?
« Reply #25 on: May 02, 2004, 09:26:51 AM »
i gave you the wrong info.  you can take out the rear screw completely.  the front screw is the one that needs to be tight at all times.  if the rear screw is too tight it will squeeze the slide and will keep it from moving all the way.