Author Topic: 12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade...  (Read 893 times)

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade...
« on: May 06, 2004, 04:31:40 PM »
For what it's worth...A guy down in the classified section has an old H&R 12 gauge huntsman muzzleloading shotgun for sale or trade. He says it is in 95%-98% condition, has the screw in breechplug and that the only thing wrong with it is it is mssing the rear sight. One problem, he is asking $225.00 or will entertain trades for TC contender barrel/s or monetary offers....<><.... :grin:
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Offline MTNMAN

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2004, 02:18:35 AM »
As much as I want one, That hill's to steep for me to climb :eek: ... Guess I'll wait for NEF to reintroduce a NEW one at half the price.... MTNMAN :)
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Offline MSP Ret

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2004, 02:29:16 AM »
MTNMAN, I agree, that price is way out of line as far as I am concerned also. I posted with the thought that there might be someone here that absolutely, positively had to have that gun. I know I don't need it for that price. But then again if the gun that I "must have" came up for sale I might be pushed into paying more for it than it was worth....<><.... :grin:
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2004, 05:10:57 AM »
Yup, that's about twice what I am willing to pay...Plus it is on a receiver that cannot be sent back for additional barrels.
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Offline offhand35

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2004, 03:16:38 PM »
:D Well.......If someone ABSOLUTELY HAD to have a 12ga H&R Huntsman, there is one at Newington Gun Exchange, Newington, CT for around $95-100!
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Offline MSP Ret

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2004, 04:08:46 PM »
Offhabd35, The next time I am looking for a special model or gun I am coming to you to find it for me, you have come up with quite a few nice guns and deals if I remember correctly.....sorry to say I'm not in the market for a 12 gauge Huntsman, wish I was. My .56 smoothbore TC Renegade is a blast to shoot with #7 1/2 shot though, quite a Partridge gun!!! Especially if you ground shoot them like a true Mainer....<><....I was against it at first but soon found out if you breast them and throw the meat in the bean pot they taste the same as if you let them fly and blasted them with a 12 or 20 gauge. I like to use a .22 handgun (Ruger bull barrel) or my .56 smoothbore now....<><....The Mainers still look at me as if I"m a bit daft, who knows, I just may be....<><.... :grin:
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley

Offline VarmintController

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2004, 12:16:00 AM »
Most Mainers from what i have seen after almost 30 years in this great state, use good old 20ga, or maybe even a 12ga. and no it does not matter if they are flying, or just sitting there. they die the same way :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  :grin:  now a black power for partridge?????? not my cup of tea by anymeans, but to each there own. we have enough dirt roads up this way, and yes we can shoot them on "DIRT" roads. it would take way too long to reload a muzzleloader, much easier to carry a single, or double, and just drop a shell in on the way out of the truck. i like hunting with a good bird dog myself, but the road hunting is a fun way to spend the last hour of daylight. i never even thought of using a blackpowder shotgun, might be fun to play around with, but i dont think i would want to hunt with one.
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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2004, 03:50:54 AM »
VC, I have "roadhunted" quite a bit in the last few years in Northern Maine, and yes for those not familiar with it it can only be done on dirt roads. It is usually in conjunction with the last few days of trout fishing and  before deer season. I usually go with a friend in Maine who also happens to be a Maine Warden, the son of a Maine Warden so you can bet all laws are followed. Unless they have changed the laws (Mass has done so recently  :( ) you can have your muzzleloader charged with powder and shot and it is not considered loaded until there is a cap on it so it is an easy matter to step from the vehicle and place a cap on the nipple while you approarch the bird in preparation to shoot. It takes only a minute or less to recharge with powder and shot after you have collected the bird, then just enjoy that beautiful slow drive until another bird appears.
Now of course here in Mass ( :( ) some misguided legislators have had the law changed so that you cannot have a load of powder and ball or shot in your muzzleloader in a vehicle, for some reason these misguided souls ( PITA?, stop hunting at all costs?, who knows for sure, it just doesn't make sense). What this does in essence is force you to fire your weapon before leaving the woods to enter your vehicle to travel to another area to hunt, or concievably to have lunch. There is the possibility if you leave your muzzleloader outside of your vehicle when you return for coffee or lunch (can't be touching or leaning on the vehicle either) some overzealous "enforcer" may decide you have left your loaded muzzleloader (even with the cap off) outside of your control and charge or arrest you!!! I don't think it would stick in court but the possibility does exist!!! What this leads to is a bunch of shooting which is not neccessary, bothersome, noisy, increases the possibility of an accident and may. and probably will lead to many complaints of shooting and hunting which will be invalid and harmful to our sport, Only in America, only in Massachusetts, only where the minority rule and cause the rest of us to follow as we (the other people, not me!!) to quietly cave in and hide....<><.... :( ................ :grin: , OK, got it off my chest, I'm better now!!!
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley

Offline RG22lr

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2004, 02:10:03 PM »
:D  :D Hi Guy's I am the one with the 12 ga huntsman in the classified . And I was I think the first one to say that I was to high on it. HOWEVER, I did say or make offer you never know what may happen. :grin: And if you can find one as nice as this one for 100 buck and don't want it tell me where it is and I will buy it. Has Anyone got an idea about how many were made?? I have been dealing in guns a LONG LONG time and have never seen another one. So dust that old wallet off and make an offer you might be suprised.                                                     Thanks A Heap

Offline VarmintController

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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #9 on: May 09, 2004, 02:08:01 AM »
MSP<----- man i am some glad i live up here. we have laws, but nothing like that. i have been stoped by wardens for lic checks, and put my loaded gun right on the front seat of my truck, and then gave them the info they wanted. no we cant have loaded guns in trucks either. but come on, atleast we get treated fairly up here. the warden had a choice, hold my gun for me, or let me set it on the seat, and they have always just let me put it on my seat, loaded or not. of course i was not in the truck at the time. but i guess the laws are in place for a reason????? but there are some very stupid ones out. less " Left wingers " would sure be nice.
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12 Gauge Huntsman offered for sale or trade
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2004, 02:57:15 AM »
You are so right VC. I had a nice long rambling reply typed out to your post but lost it some where in my computer. All in all it mirrored your feelings. If the people made the laws and not the left wing, liberal, no-nothing, bordering on socialist (aka John F. Kerry) politicians they (the laws) would be a lot more reasonable. Come on now, you can't have a muzzleloader with powder and ball or shot, but no cap in a vehicle? You have to unload it, (fire it) every time you change hunting areas? Get a grip and get real, then they expect the police to enforce that law??? :)  :(  :)  :(, Oh my poor country, what is happening to you....<><.... :oops:
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley