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Offline fishdaddy

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coon bait
« on: January 05, 2004, 07:09:09 AM »
what is a good homemade coon bait?

Offline gone from here

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coon bait
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2004, 09:39:37 AM »
bacon grease
if you cant have fun doing what you are doing it isnt worth doing

Offline KYtrapper17

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coon bait
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2004, 09:41:24 AM »
I just catch bluegill in the summer cut them in half and use that as bait. Works real nice. This summer I am going to keep some catfish chunks and mix with honey and maybe some other stuff just to experiment.
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Offline Jacktheknife

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coon bait
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2004, 04:09:11 AM »
Howdy Ya'll,  does anybody have any idea where I could get gallons of molasses? A coon bait that an old trapper who got old and died, 15 years ago, old Floyd Mcbeth... used to make, was made from Molasses.
Old Floyd sold all his traps to me a long time ago. He had some kind of disease and knew he was going to die, and told his wife,  " these three #11 and #1 longsprings right here. [They were so old, about as old as him,      80 something} "these were the first traps I ever had. I have had them since I was a kid."   And he had. They were basically unsalable they were so old. Floyd had them since he was in elementary school, {1900}
He told his wife,  "Put these three fingers through the rings and a piece of string or wire would hold them there so I don't loose them"  
[A long way to go all the way to heaven and to drop your traps because they were not tight in your hands.]
"And don't put any flowers over them either!"  Old Floyd was planning his funeral and wanted those old traps in his hand when he was in his coffin.
He had had them all his life.
"My fingers are so thin three will go through the rings." he said                           And his wife would smile and say alright Floyd.
Anyway he would take a gallon of Molasses a little anise and tonquin musk and let it rot a couple of years and that was it!
I wrote old Floyd a letter when I was in Denver selling roofs, and later I found out that that was the last letter he ever got on this earth.
He died a few days later.
 His wife took the letter to the hospital one day and said Floyd!
 You have a letter!
 Old Floyd was real sick and said I don't know anybody in Denver.
 His wife kept on and finally he opened the letter and saw a picture of the  5 point buck I had shot up there and he sat up in bed and said : "that is from that guy I sold all my traps to!    and a deer he shot!"
Old floyd got all excited and sat up and as his wife later said,
 Floyd started talking and talked and talked, three hours, till he sort of ran down, reminising about the trail and the trapline. It was the last letter he ever got as he died a few days later.
 I only met Floyd once but I never forget him.  His coon lure is what I am refering to.  He made commercial lure and sold it nationwide! I have three one ounce bottles right here on my desk! Old Floyd is gone but I can feel his presence every time I look at his old traps which are hanging in my fur shed right now, and I guess always will.
 I still have some of the stuff he left me when he died. And it smells about as weird as it did 17 years ago! It is still as good to!
I was going to make some more just for fun but gallons of molasses?
Where could I get gallons?
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Offline Newt

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« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2004, 10:52:03 AM »
Get it, down to the feed store

Offline jim-NE

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coon bait
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2004, 02:30:27 AM »
That's where I would suggest checking also, down at bulk feed stores or on an internet side that provides additives for bulk feed.
I've always thought Molasis was a decent base, and lasts forever by itself with little preservatives, but it does tend to overpower other added odors, even anise. But then again, what smells "good" to my nose isn't necessarily how it is picked up or perceived by animals, either. To me the molasis odor just "took over" after a year, but it was a definitely "heavy" odor with a thick, gooey body to the lure and it stuck to everything. I added fish oil also to it to help it endure damper conditions better.
I had a couple quarts of molasis-based coon lure mixed up and stored in several old plastic syrup squirt bottles that sound like the same basic formula: molasis as base and major component, then added anise, etc. from there. I also added beaver castor and mink glands to mine, and it aged about two years before I ever dobbed some on the back of a pocket or dirthole set. I still have one squirt bottle left (that was a very handy applicator bottle to use with this "thick" based lure). I'd personally testify that this is a decent coon lure base as well.

Offline Asa Lenon

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coon bait
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2004, 02:45:29 AM »
I met Floyd Mc Beth at the 1981 NTA convention.  He used to advertise his rattlesnake based canine lures.  Ace

Offline RdFx

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Coon -- Molasses -- Lure
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2004, 11:50:27 AM »
There are two differant type of molasses; one animal feed type available fm feed store and then  a more refined type human consumption type.  Dont think it makes a differance what type you use for a base though.   I believe Ed Hawbaker  has a molasses based coon lure.   When i  was in grade school i ordered some of Hawbakers coon lure  which was made by Ed dad Stanley and that had a molassed base..... i also could smell anise and beaver castor in the lure also.

Offline Newt

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« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2004, 12:28:59 PM »
Watch the animal grade molasses it will GROW in warm weather.

Offline jim-NE

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coon bait
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2004, 06:16:17 PM »
FYI, I actually started mixing it for myself as a coon lure based on two separate experiences. One was the first bottle of Hawbaker coon lure I ever bought. I didn't know how to prove it, but I thought that was molasis and anise and maybe some castor in it. It worked great for me, so I thought I'd try my hand at some homebrew version of it.
The other was a friend of mine in the feedlot business, regularly mixed molasis with the feed and then turned it out through the lots in the troughs at feeding time.
He said he would also suppliment the cattle feed with whatever he could buy off of wrecked truckloads here and there. One time he fed out cases of granola bars from a semi wreck he acquired for a song. Another time was molasis-based cookies. The cows loved them, but he and watched a sow coon and some kits working the troughs toward evening...and my wheels started turning. He said they loved the molasis stuff and would show up shortly after he started feeding anything with it in it. I never forgot what I saw that evening.

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Molassas based coon bait
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2004, 02:57:36 AM »
I made a molassas based coon bait back when coons were worth messing with, it consisted of feed lot molassas, antise oil, mexican vanilla, and mint extract....

I would start with about a gallon of molassas, then add 1/2 oz of mint extract and antise extract, I would load up on the mexican vanilla because I could get it then for about 2 bucks a quart, about 8 oz to the batch I guess......

I wanted the mix to be somewhat watery, I would use marshmellows, the big kind, and back then they had banana flavored one that worked great, but I can't find them anymore...... I would take 3 or 4 marshmellows and put behind the trap and give them a good squirt of molassas....

I never had a coon pass this up......

My granddad use to make a paste bait with can peaches and powered calf replacement milk...... He would get a large can on peaches and juice and crush them up as much as he could, he would then mix enough powder calf replacement milk to make a thick paste..... He used this in live traps and it work like a charm.....

I have a bunch more but I have to get......

Give these a try and see if they work for you.....
Good Luck and God Bless you and yours,
