Your quote is really fitting for the Handi.
Shooting is the art of making a bullet go where you want it to go......even when all the odds are against it
The trigger return spring pulls one lbs, and can be reduced like you said.
Did you make a metal fixture with pins to see whats needs to be honed and how much. I will make a fixture and presicely drill the jig with the drill press. I also will modify a die to suit the shoulder .444 less one thou. So the brass will be full sized each time.
All this has to wait for a while. BR matches, fishing,and cottage time is coming up.
Since the OAL will be very long and bullets will not enter the neck very deep, the die will be used without the expander button. This will increase
neck tension. The long taper K&M case mouth reamer allows bullets to be
seated without buckling the case mouth.
The idea of course is when you seat bullets into the lands you have to make sure they dont stick when you have to unload sometimes. Moly coated bullets help in that respect. Fred M.