Author Topic: Deer and DEET?  (Read 966 times)

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Offline bigbore442001

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Deer and DEET?
« on: June 07, 2004, 02:22:00 AM »
I know that in the Northeast we have some archery seasons that open in mid September. September 15th seems to be a magic number for both Connecticut and Rhode Island.

I have hunted that early and yes, the mosquitoes are out. My question is: does DEET or bug repellents containing DEET also repel deer? We go through elaborate rituals of descenting ourselves but will Muskol. Deep Woods OFF, ect alarm deer?

Any thoughts, comments or suggestions would be appreciated.

Offline Rmouleart

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Deer and DEET?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2004, 07:16:48 AM »
You are using the right methods bye not using bug juice and being scent free for deer, yes this will most likely be picked up in the air bye deer if they are down wind, and alert them, intruders are in the area, bug juice is not a natural scent. Some bearbait hunters get the bears use to there human and bug juice smells before the hunt,during the prebaiting time bye leaving articles in the area, the bears tend to associate the smells with the bait and are not alerted if they get wind of either scent. Don't always work, may even scare off a good bear, sometime during those seasons the bugs are really bad and you have to wear either a bug suit or wear bug juice or you be eaten alive LOL. When it come to deer scent free and cover scents as well, watch the winds direction. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.