Author Topic: glock mod 20  (Read 1265 times)

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glock mod 20
« on: May 14, 2004, 09:58:49 PM »
Does anyone here own a model 20 or 20C 10mm? I'm thinking of buying one and use it for hiking and possibly taking whitetail here in NY within 40 yrds.Please feel free to give me your opinion.Also is it worth getting the compensator option to control recoil-just in a hunting situation..not a night time defense situation where blast might blind the shooter himself.

Offline MI VHNTR

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glock mod 20
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2004, 03:47:50 PM »
I just got rid of a G20 for a Springfield 1911. I also used my 20 for hiking/woods use, but never hunted with it.  The Springfield has taken the G20s place for this use. I just use 450 SMC ammo in it when I use it in the woods. The 20 was a good pistol, I just didn't care for the Glock design. A friend of mine bought a G20 C at the same time that I bought my G20, so I shot both of them side-by-side. The 20C has less muzzle flip, but the muzzle blast is quite noticeable. I would skip the C model just for this reason. This is only MY opinion, others might disagree. MI VHNTRR
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glock mod 20
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2004, 02:30:29 PM »
I really like my Glock 20. Recoil is a lot softer than expected, recovery is quick, no need for a comp.
I've owned many different Glocks as well as other brands of pictols. The Glock 20 has less felt recoil IMO than a 1911/.45acp and less than a Glock 35/.40s&w.
Accuracy is also better than other Glocks.
I shoot mostly CCI Blazers and Win Silvertips. Both are very accurate with modest recoil, much easier to shoot than a .357 mag revolver.
Doubletap makes serious hunting loads.

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glock 20 replies
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2004, 06:07:55 PM »

    thanks so far for the comments on the glock 20.Im now searching for one with adj sights.My local store has a 20c with fixed sights at a hefty proce of $659.I'm going to another fellow tomorrow for a quote,he charges 10% over cost.I too have owned several glocks,a mod 23,27,26 and most recently a model 36.I like the way they fit my hands,especialy the larger model 23 and have never felt the recoil was bad on any of them.Then again,i've been shooting a rugher BH in 45 colt with cor-bon magnum loads and before that was a Savage Striker in .308 Win.
What prices you fellows see these mod 20's go for in your neck of the country?

Offline Camp Cook

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glock mod 20
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2004, 01:53:14 PM »
Check out go to the 10 Ring and 10mm Reloading sections. All the info that you can ever ask for on the 10mm is there.

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Offline Atomic Chicken

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glock mod 20
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2004, 09:29:33 PM »

I've owned both a Glock model 20 (10mm) and a Glock model 22 (.40 S&W).  I sold the 20 to a close friend, and still have the model 22.  The main reason for this was the model 20, while an excellent firearm, had a grip that was just slightly too large for my own comfort.  The model 22 has almost identical (within 10 or 15%, if I remember right) ballistics to a model 20, but in a smaller size gun that is more comfortable(for me at least) to hold.

If you don't mind the grip size, then by all means go for the 20 - it is a more versatile firearm that (with the right barrel changeout) can fire .357 Sig, .40 S&W, 10mm, and the 10mm equivalent of the .357 Sig (I forget the cartridge name - sorry).  Also, in it's "native" 10mm configuration, is a slightly better round than the .40 S&W ballistically and should be better for hunting purposes.

I did not notice much of a difference in "kick" between the two pistols, they were both very comfortable to shoot.

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Offline Camp Cook

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glock mod 20
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2004, 12:24:25 PM »
I have to differ on the velocity difference of the 40 S&W and the 10mm. For example the 40 S&W 180gr bullet is approx. 950fps where as the 10mm with the same bullet can be reloaded as well as purchased from Double Tap Ammo or Cor-Bon that will do 1300fps plus. I have personally loaded 200gr bullets to 1280fps, 180's to 1320fps and 135's to 1750fps in the 10mm. The only comparision that can be made between these 2 cartridges is that they are both 40 caliber. The 10mm is closer in power to the 41 mag than anything else. If you are comparing just the now down loaded FBI level 10mm ammo then you can say that there is hardly a difference. I carry a Glock 20 or a Colt Delta Elite for protection when I'm working in the bush. Get the Glock 20 and don't look back!

"A gun is a tool, Marian. No better, no worse than any other tool. An axe, a shovel, or anything. A gun is as good or as bad as the man using it. Remember that" -movie "Shane" 1953

Offline Atomic Chicken

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glock mod 20
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2004, 11:21:46 PM »
Camp Cook,

I personally agree with you - as I stated in my original post.  I would have kept the 20 if the grip size didn't bother me.  The 10mm is without question the superior cartridge in every way (except cost) to the .40S&W.  I say if the grip size doesn't bother you then go Model 20 all the way!

As for the velocity, what you are stating is about 25% difference, which IS in fact a bit more than I remembered it being, but it was over 6 years ago that I owned the model 20 and sold it - so please forgive me for not remembering the facts correctly.  Again, I agree with you - the model 20 is the superior weapon if it shoots comfortably in your hand.

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glock 20 info..thanks
« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2004, 06:59:39 PM »
I've got a glock 20 ordered with standard sights for now...cost $460.Depending on how it shoots at 40 yrds i may install an aftermarket adj rear sight...thanks for your input  guys...