Without getting to much into brands there are some considerations other than price.
Find a bow with the best warranty,some have lifetime, like Champion.
Find a bow that has an adjustable cam for draw length like the Kodiak.You can adjust this one from 26 to 30" without a press, just loosen 2 screws and rotate the module.[I have a review on Kodiak KO32 on my site}
if the cam is not adjustable get one that uses modules.This makes fine tuning draw length easier and cheaper than having to replace the cam like on a mathews.
Another very good bow I shoot and have reviewed is the Intensity from firebrand.Excellent Bow!!
Look for a bow with a 295+ IBO sped rating.this way you won't want to upgrade so soon.
A wrist type release is best for hunting.I like the Cobra Armstrong and trufire Hurricane.{see reviews on these on my site too]
For sights there are lots of good ones, the brighter fiber optic's are best. {more reviews on my site]
There are lots of good and not good rests. The whisker biscuit is a great hunting rest,{more reviews }and the drop away's are great too.I use the NAP quick tune .
A beginner will break a lot of arrows hiting the side of the target.Carbon are the best for taking abuse.People think they are expensive but they are not if you choose the right brand.Easton epic and excell are as good as any and cost less than aluminum and last 10 times longer.
Get a good peep site without the rubber band aligner.Those rubbers break and can hit you in the eye!!NOT A GOOD EXPERIENCE!!!The larger the peep the better for hunting.Small peeps are no good at dusk.
For stabilizers I prefer the short ones that dampen sound/vibration.I have several reviews on these too, the Doinker Chubby or Chorty seem best to me.
Try out bows at shops that have models in the price range you are looking for.
Packages are not good deals as they have low end accesories like sights/rests that you will be changing before the year is over.
Every PRO SHOP only sells the best!!!LOL
{just like cars}They will look after your wallet better than your bow.
You decide what you want.
Most demo bows at shops are turned down to make them feel real easy to draw, make sure the bow is scaled to the draw you want when you test it.