I bought one used for what I thought was a good price ($90) for the 90% condition I would say that it is
but I really dont know much about it. It is a break open, 9 shot revolver made by H&R. Model #926. About a 6 barrel, double action only, with a VERY long pull. Atleast it is somewhat smooth. Looks like the newer 999, or Sportsman I think they are called. Is the 999 true double action only like this 926, or can it be shot single action too? This is a drawback of my 926 in my opinion, although I have not fired it yet, just dry fired it a couple of times.
Anyone know about this .22? I have read (somewhere on this site) that H&R is no longer making the 999, and none of my old books have the 926 in them.
Thanks Gents.