i think burris has about the largest field of view out there. a straight 2x has 21' wide view @100. the 2x7 model has 21' wide view @100, when on 2x. the burris 3x12 has about 14', when on 3x. they don't come cheap though.
bushnell trophy, and elite scopes have a different eye relief yet. they come into view at more like arms length, whereas the burris shortens up in eye relief as you turn up the power. the bushnells do not have nearly the field of view, but do remain constant in eye relief thru all powers. my simmons 2x6, also has this type eye relief, but not the burris field of view.
are ya used to using pistol scope? they take some getting used to, since they differ so much from a riflescope. gotta hold em just right......extended away from your eye. i remember how hard it was for me many years ago. just takes a little practice.