Author Topic: anyone here have to defend themselves with their weapon  (Read 3504 times)

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Offline charlie47

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2004, 08:19:50 AM »
Hi from the new guy,
I am very glad that I haven't had to use my weapon yet either.

In the CCW school here in TX, we were told that if someone breaks in
and you confront him, he flees, if you fire as he is fleeing, you may have a problem. Especially if you hit him after he is out of your house. We were also told that if you shoot someone, even in your house on the first round
but you continue to fire, especially with one to the head for effect, you WILL still have a problem. Why, well with the second through multiple rounds, you were not in peril, you may have a problem.  :roll:

I'm sure laws vary from state to state, those are just things you have to think about in TX.

Offline kbmoly

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2004, 06:01:04 AM »
Yeah, several times.  Never had to fire a shot though.  Once a fellow saw a pretty gal driving down a lonly stretch of highway and decided she was ripe for plucking.  But he made two mistakes:  she was my wife, and I was asleep in the back seat.  I stuck a .357 out the window and thumbed the hammer back.  He understood pefectly, and left the area as quickly as his car could manage.

On another ocassion, three guys got drunk one night and one of them said that he knew where there were a couple of girls they could have some fun with.  (Said gals were my neighbors and friends.)  The girls were having a rough time until another neighbor dropped in, who was the fiance of one of the girls.  He took serious offense at the situation, and in the ensuing excitement, the other gal managed to run to my house for help.  I dropped a pistol in my pocket and ran over to help establish peace and tranquility.

When I walked in, the three of them backed off of Danny and turned to face me.  After being sure that Danny hadn't taken any serious damage, I told him to call the police.  One of the thugs sneered and asked me what I thought I was going to do agains the three of them.  I put my hand on my pistol and told him that I thought I'd do any damn thing I wanted to, and the first thing I wanted was for him to shut up, lay face down on the floor and spread his hands and feet as wide as possible.  And that I wouldn't give him the option of laying down or falling down for more than a couple of seconds.  He may have been an arrogant, agressive drunken thug a few moments before, but after that, he was dead sober, excruciatingly polite, quiet and horizontal.  His companions joined him in short order, and they spent their time wishing the cops would HURRY.  

When the cops took charge of the situation, I just dropped the pistol in my pocket.  I noticed one of the cops eyeing the bulge in my pocket, but nothing more was said.

I carry a letter in my glove compartment of thanks for coming (armed) to the assistance of an officer in a bank robbery situation .  One never knows when it will prove useful if some cop ever has to sort out the good guys from the bad guys in a hurry.

There are other examples I could cite, but no point in hogging the soap box.  But I will say that you won't need a gun very often.  Years will go by without a need, and perhaps your entire life will.  I hope so.  But if you are ever in a situation where you need one, you will need one VERY badly, and you'd bloody well better HAVE one close by.  

"Throughout most of human history, the man who couldn't or wouldn't defend his life, wife and property generally didn't keep any of them for very long."

Cast bullet enthusiast, former gunsmith, Reload for just about all common calibers, and a few very uncommon ones.

Offline Gun Runner

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2004, 10:39:22 PM »
At about 3 a.m. when my dog alearted me to someone in the yard took my 12 ga pump ( short bbl) and walked out and up behind 2 POS. Racked the 870 real hard and had their attention. When the LEO's got there (about 4 min)( a life time for the 2 POS) Both were flat on the ground face down and one had "WET" himself . Leo's were argueing who was gonna transport the one guy. I live out of town so the S.O. has juristiction here. The dispatcher kept telling my wife to tell me not to shoot them. At the time most of the LEO's knew me. Both POS's had long records and warrents. One of the S.O.'s made the comment to me "how come you dint shoot them like you did the last one?" (dint really shoot one). At this point both of the guys were ready to handcuff them selfs and get into the patrol car, confess to the lindberg kidnapping, or any thing, just to get out of my yard. Have never had to drop the hammer and hope I never have to.

Gun Runner

Offline rockbilly

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2004, 04:23:25 PM »
About three weeks ago, on a Sunday night I had a mad man explode on me.  He was about 42 years old, recently retired from the military and still in fair shape.  I'm well over 60 with a heart problem, and knew I didn't stand a chance in a fist fight.  I tried three times to walk away, each time he continued to follow and pound the heck out of me.  After the third time I put my AMT Backup in .40 S&W up his nose.  It took the fight out of him in a hurry.  After talking to the witnesses, the cops told me I did the right thing.  I screwed up by not pressing charges (hind sight is always 20-20).

Can anyone give me advice on cleaning the snot out of my barrel?  (It did really did have blood on it afterwards)

Offline Dogshooter

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2004, 04:30:59 PM »
I never had to pull mine. Had a guy threaten me with a bat and one of his friends pointed out to him that I had a CWP and PROBABLY had my weapon on my person and the fight got diffused in a hurry. Just the idea that I might be packin was all it took.
Perception is everything. For instance, a crowded elevator smells different to a midget.

Offline NYH1

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2004, 06:43:52 AM »
I went shooting one day before going to work. I work second shift 3:00 pm to 11:00pm. I left the range and went right to work. My pistol (at the time was a Ruger PK94DC in 40 S&W) was under my seat, out of sight out of mind!

When I got home I parked on the street, still in an apartment at this time. Their was a guy standing in the shadows a few houses down, I don't think he knew I saw him. As I was getting out of my car he started walking towards me real slow, still in the shadows. I was in the street under a street light. I pulled my pistol out from under the seat and put it in waste band and made sure he saw it. He did. He turned and went the other way really fast. I never saw him again.

I don't know what his intention where, but I'm glad it worked out the way it did. I have quite a few firearms. From hunting rifles to assault rifles, shotguns and pistols. I practice a lot, but I hope I never have to us them for self defense. I'm prepared but I hope it never gets to that!
"ROLL TIDE". . .Back To Back. . .Three In The Last Four Years "GO GIANTS"  "YANKEES"

Offline papajohn428

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #36 on: April 03, 2004, 12:38:47 PM »
I had a guy I had testified against who apparently decided to get even, I had let a friend borrow my car, so this dirtbag thought I wasn't home.  I had gone into a darkened bedroom to close a window, and saw his car parked up the street.  I grabbed my 357, told my wife to take the kids upstairs, and slipped out the back door. It was pitch black where I was, and after my eyes adjusted to the dark I slid over to a dumpster bin to look for him.  He wasn't there, but then I heard him coming up between the apartment buildings toward the back door I had come out of.  I had left my big flashlight inside, but I always carried a mini-maglight, and I got it out as he peered inside the back door, trying to see inside.  I could tell it was the same guy by the light from inside, and I really wanted to shoot the b@stid right then, but decided against it.   I still had my work boots on, and I stepped up behind him, and gave him my best kick, upwards into his crotch, then before he could even yell I pulled him backwards by his jacket collar.  He hit the ground so hard it knocked what little air was left in him out, and I shined the flashlight in his face with the 357 right next to it, very obvious.  I loudly (but politely) explained to him that if he so much as wiggled, I was gonna revoke his birth certificate right then.  My wife and neighbor had both heard me yelling, and she called the local blueshirts while he went and got my handcuffs.  The  dirtbag had been trying to jimmy the door, there were fresh pry marks on the jamb, but the screwdriver he was using went flying when I yanked him over backwards.  The responding officers (3 minutes flat) knew this guy, one asked why I didn't just shoot him, the other said if he'd held on to the screwdriver, he would have.  Last I heard, said dirtbag was doing seven years, we moved to another state six months later.  All's well that ends well, I guess.  I do know one thing.....if he'd made a move towards me, there would have been a very loud noise, and a nasty mess to clean up.
Fortunately, he was more concerned with his family jewels than anything else! :eek:
If you can shoot home invaders, why can't you shoot Homeland Invaders?

Offline rugerman

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #37 on: April 06, 2004, 05:06:24 PM »
Had to show it a couple of times to two legged baddies and had to drop the hammer several times on four legged ones. Used to have a real problem with strays around here.

Offline beavdha

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2004, 11:37:51 AM »
When I was stationed at Norton AFB, we lived out in the community - not the best neighborhood.  One night a drunk came pounding on our front door - I asked him what he wanted and he said let me in - I  got the over and under shotgun - had the wife call 911 and stay in the back bedroom with our two daughters age 3 and 6 at the time.  I told the guy I had a gun and to leave the door - he kept kicking at the door - luckily the cops were there in less than 3 minutes and I unloaded the gun - I told the sheriff that I had the gun ready and loaded  - he seen my wife and kids scared to death and said I did the right thing.  The drunk piped up and said I could of answered the door and the sheriff told him that he had the wrong house and that nobody should be yelling and kicking doors at 2:00 am.  If he would have broken through the door - I would have shot him, nobody is touching my kids or wife.

Offline kbmoly

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Yes, on several ocassions.
« Reply #39 on: May 12, 2004, 05:58:38 AM »
And against both two and four legged animals:

One of them occurred when my boys came in the house shouting for me to come look at the 'funny dog'.  Turned out to be a coon, in my front yard, broad daylight, no collar, acting dopy and paying no apparent attention.  I called a Game Protector, who told me to shoot it, handle with gloves and bury them with it -- deep!  He said that distemper was a real problem and that was undoubtedly the explanation.  Made the mistake of walking too close when I went back out, and got its attention.  It was antisocial, and if I hadn't been pretty lucky, it would have gotten to me.

More to the point, my wife was driving about 2 am on a lonely road, while I was sleeping in the back seat.  Some pervert saw a pretty woman alone and decided she was ripe for the plucking.  I woke up to the car swerving and my wife screaming.  When I saw the situation, I stuck a .357 out the window and thumbed the hammer back.  Don't know what he had under the hood, but when he saw that, he turned them ALL loose.  disappeared up the road so fast it looked like a cartoon strip.  

On another occasion, my wife and I had just gone to bed and a neighbor gal came pounding on the door and pleading for help.  Turns out that a few guys had gotten drunk, and one of them said "hey, I know where there are a couple of girls we can have some fun with."  They went up to the door of our neighbors apartment (two sisters) and knocked. One of the gals thought she had met one of them at a party a little while back, so she opened the door.  Things got nasty fast, but one of them had a fiance who happened to drop in at the right moment.  The ensuing excitement gave one of the girls a chance to get away and come to me.  I pulled my pants on and dropped a .38 in the pocket, with the grip where I could get it in a hurry.  When I walked in, Danny (the fiance) was being roughed up pretty good by all four of them, but they backed off when I came in.  One of them looked at me and sneered "What do you think you're going to do with that pistol?"  I told him that I thought I would do absolutely anything I wanted to, and that if he didn't want me to do it to him, he'd better sit down against that wall, with his arms spread, and keep them that way, and he'd better do it damned fast!"  He said "YESSIR!", and so did his friends.  After I'd frisked them and put them into uncomfortable but safe positions, Danny called the police.  Took them a while to get there, but when they did, I just dropped the pistol the rest of the way into my pocket.  I saw one cop eye-balling the bulge, but he didn't say anything.  

The interesting result was that the sisters invited my wife and I to dinner in appreciation - which turned into a two hour lecture on the evils of having guns in the home, and how it shouldn't be allowed.  Absolutely unbelievable!!

Once had a friend stop me one monday morning, and say that he'd seen me on the street in a really rough neighborhood the day before, and was concerned for me.  Didn't I worry about some thug deciding to mug me?  I had a good laugh, and told him that I let the bloody thugs worry about deciding to mug me.  

On another occasion, I was driving down the road on a bright summer day, with everything peaceful and calm.  After a little bit, the road widened to two lanes in my direction, and I just stayed in the right lane.  A white chevy van roared past me, and as it did, the guy in the passenger side leaned out the window and gave me a string of profanity, though he wasn't specific about the cause of his displeasure.  As they disappeared down the road, I wondered what the heck THAT was about, but figured it was over with, so I just shrugged and went on.  Mistake.  When I went around the next bend, there was a traffic light, and the van was stopped there.  When I stopped too, the side door of the van slammed open, and the passenger jumped out with a tire iron in his hand, heading for me and continuing to exercise the colorful side of his vocabulary.  When he got close, I just laid the barrel of a .357 across the window and said "All I want is your fingerprints on the door handle when the cops get here."

The guy stopped like he'd hit a brick wall. His eyes got the size of a silver dollar, he shut his mouth, dropped the tire iron, walked slowly back to the van, got in shut the door, got into the passenger seat, and stared straight ahead until the light changed.  As far as I know, I never saw him before or since.  I don't know if he mistook me for the guy that got his sister pregnant, or just what his problem was.  

I've had a fair number of similar experiences, from the guy I was passing, who decided it was going to be a lot of fun to keep me in the opposing traffic lane by slowing down or speeding up, matching my speed all the way, and having a big laugh - until I pointed a pistol at him as we neared the crest of a hill.  The range was only about 10 or 15 feet, and I'd decided that he would die the moment I saw an on-coming car.  He got all upset at my lack of a sense of humor, and called the cops on me.  When they had all the facts, the cops didn't think much of his sense of humor either.  

It doesn't take too many experiences like that, and you won't give a BLEEP what the law says either:  You'll go armed.  Legally if possible, but armed.  

Cast bullet enthusiast, former gunsmith, Reload for just about all common calibers, and a few very uncommon ones.

Offline S.S.

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #40 on: May 13, 2004, 06:14:13 AM »
I have already posted on this subject, But I have to add something.
The last time I had to pull a weapon in defense against a person was in the early 1990's, But I can still remember the clothes the other guy was wearing. I can hardly remember my own home phone number, but I remember the color of his clothes in vivid detail.  Strange how your mind works. The things you want to remember are impossible to but the things
you want to forget will be with you forever.
Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit
"A wise man does not pee against the wind".

Offline Lawdog

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #41 on: May 13, 2004, 11:53:34 AM »

The things you want to remember are impossible to but the things
you want to forget will be with you forever.

True, so very true.  Having to pull a weapon is bad enough BUT having to use it is much worse.  The whole event gets replayed over and over whether you want it to or not.  Small groups and tight lines to you.  Lawdog
Gary aka Lawdog is now deceased. He passed away on Jan. 12, 2006. RIP Lawdog. We miss you.

Offline 45LC-Man

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anyone here have to defend themselves with
« Reply #42 on: June 15, 2004, 12:55:26 PM »
I've never had to defend myself with a weapon but recently I have thought about it many times. I am a Christian and go to church regularly and am a Deacon at my local church. In the past few years there have been a few incidents at churches around the country and innocent young  kids have died because there wasn't someone such as myself there to stand in the gap so my pastor has asked me to carry concealed at all times while at church. I obtained a CCW as soon as I could. I've never been the aggresive type so I've had to re-program my mind to be more "protective" of those commited to my care, whether at home or at church. It isn't a natural thought process for me but bad guys are already in this frame of mind and I may not have time to adjust my thinking if the situation warrants. I now carry at all times, even to Wally World because one never knows when a bad guy will want to make me or one of my loved ones a statistic and I now watch warily at folks who don't look normal or who seem out of place. I hope I never have to use my KAHR P9 or my brand new Para TAC-S on someone but if I need to I won't hesitate. It's hard to re-program your mind............but it is necessary.