Author Topic: I have my own theories about this, but....  (Read 1094 times)

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Offline SAWgunner

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« on: June 08, 2004, 09:03:50 AM »
I have never seen it really talked about in here or magazines, and I have never questioned it (just took it form members of my family as "law").

Everyone has always cautioned me about "not letting my pistol show print under a shirt" or "be careful not to flash it when you bend over" and so on and so forth.

Like I said, I have never heard it duscussed, I have just always been told to do so and have been conscious of when when I carry, I just want to know why everyone is so paranoid of letting their weapon show.
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Offline Rmouleart

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2004, 09:23:26 AM »
First of all you never want anyone know you carry, then you may be the first target in a robbery etc..., always keep your concealed hidden from eye's. You want to be the surprise if you need to use it. Its not a law but you could be concidered a threat bye exposing your handgun in public place, a cop may ask you for your conceal and ask you nicely to cover it up as well, not to be a threat socity. This way you don't cause any stress to others unaware your the good guy;) Some people tend to brag about carrying a gun, Not good. I NEVER LET ANYONE KNOW, ONLY MY CLOSE FAMILY AN FRIENDS KNOW I'M CARRYING AT ALL TIMES;) better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
Once I almost got robbed, a man walked up to me on a street conner in Lawrence Ma and said give me your wallet,holding a knife, well I carry my conceal in the small of my back,a S&W 40cal glock,same side as my wallet, using a inside holster, same movement to get my wallet, but instead of handing him my wallet, I handed him a loaded barrel, boy you should of seen his face drop LOL. He terned and ran, Luckily I had my handgun, due to I had my whole weeks pay in my wallet. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.

Offline Ron T.

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2004, 09:35:55 AM »
I totally agree with Rambo…………

I’ve only had to pull my concealed pistol three times… and it each case, I didn’t have to shoot.  The aggressor(s) decided that he (they) really didn’t wanna beat the snot outta me for whatever was in my wallet and end up taking a bullet/bullets for his/their “trouble”.

Had any of these “bad guys” been aware I was carrying concealed, I’m sure their “attack method(s)” would have been different… AND very possibly successful!!!

Remember, you’re not carrying a concealed weapon to “show off” or “feel big”, as has been pointed out.  Your purpose SHOULD be for self-defense or the defense of your wife & family ONLY.  If you’re “carrying” for ANY other reason, then you should carefully consider NOT “carrying” at all.

Strength & Honor…

Ron T.
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."  - Thomas Jefferson

Offline AZ223

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #3 on: June 08, 2004, 11:18:37 AM »
I agree with all the above; your biggest concern is especially not letting the bad guys know you're carrying, as it will change their attack methods. Most felons, when questioned, are more concerned with an armed victim than they are with the police -- except for undercover or off-duty, they're easier to spot & avoid. This may be particularly so in a more gun-friendly state like AZ. It's possible they'll simply avoid you if they know you're carrying, but it's not worth taking the chance, IMHO.
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Offline Lawdog

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2004, 11:47:22 AM »
You also have to take into account the fact that a number of stores will, upon finding out that you are carrying even with a CCW, ask you to leave their business.  And some managers have the politeness of a bull in a china shop.  I have had it happen a few times and gets embarrassing for any that are with you(wife, kids and relations).  If you are an LEO they don’t ask you to leave, they then want to tell you about every shoplifter they have ever had in their store.  Best to KEEP IT COVERED.  Lawdog
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Offline Bikenut

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2004, 12:15:25 PM »
I'm not a macho Rambo type... yet I don't care if my gun "prints" to some extent. If a criminal notices that I just might have a gun and goes somewhere else to harm someone else... then my gun did it's job without my having to actually use it... and without me even having to be aware that the gun just saved my butt.

I'm aware that there is no data avialable on how many crimes have been prevented from happening because the presence of a gun was suspected by a criminal. However I suspect that it happens many times a day.
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Offline SAWgunner

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2004, 03:10:55 PM »
Yes, I agree with all of you, I just wanted to know why.  Like I said, I had theories, and they all match up with what all of you said.  It's just one of those things like, "Stay away from the tail rotor of the chopper..."  I know why, but had never been told why if that makes sense.

     I didn't want to sound like an ignorant CCW holder, by all means I am the opposite, and I am not a Rambo wannabe that likes bragging about having a gun, flashing it, etc.  I was just curious.
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Offline williamlayton

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2004, 02:49:01 AM »
Well I cannot speak for any other state but Texas so the laws may differ. In Texas it is a criminal offense to brandish a weapon. It has been explained to me by those that teach the CCW courses, and I just assume they are teaching the law, that to brandish, ie to expose a weapon, without just cause is against the law. That is why it is called a concealed weapon law as opposed to open carry. It will even carry over to the weapon being exposed in a vehicle, ie carried on the passenger side exposed.
That said, I will agree with folks that exposing is not as good an idea as surprise even if open carry be allowed.

Offline Mikey

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2004, 04:22:30 AM »
Guys, I have found that even if some idiot knows you have a gun he is liable to 'try you', thinking you will either not shoot or not be sufficiently aware of his intent until he has his hand on your gun.  It is best to keep it totally concealed - that's why they call them concealed weapons permits.  

I have made 'obvious' moves in the past, as a strategy, and it has worked.  I am also needfully aware of my surroundings and have made 'moves' to further secure myself.  

Nobody should know you are carrying a firearm unless you display it.  The 44 Man has made some comments in the passt about concealment that everybody should read and be familiar with, it is very telling.  Just my 2 cents worth - Mikey.

Offline Bikenut

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2004, 07:10:47 AM »
Quote from: williamlayton
Well I cannot speak for any other state but Texas so the laws may differ. In Texas it is a criminal offense to brandish a weapon. It has been explained to me by those that teach the CCW courses, and I just assume they are teaching the law, that to brandish, ie to expose a weapon, without just cause is against the law. That is why it is called a concealed weapon law as opposed to open carry. It will even carry over to the weapon being exposed in a vehicle, ie carried on the passenger side exposed.
That said, I will agree with folks that exposing is not as good an idea as surprise even if open carry be allowed.

"Exposing" a weapon is not "brandishing".

From WorldNet Dictionary
[n]  the act of waving
[v]  move or swing back and forth; "She waved her gun."
[v]  exhibit aggressively

I did a little searching in the legal stuff available online too and the common thread contained in that stuff was that in order for a firearm to be considered to have been "brandished" there must also be intent on the part of the one who did the brandishing to intimidate or coerce another person with the firearm's presence and threat of use even if that threat of use is only implied. In short, making the firearm's presence known must be done in a threatening manner.

So if a person's gun "prints" or becomes partially exposed accidentally but without any threat on the part of the person with the gun... it is not "brandishing". Nor is it illegal. Without doubt the probability is high that the police will have some questions for that person. The police might, or might not, ask them nicely. But it is not illegal.
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Offline 44 Man

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2004, 10:12:51 AM »
Mikey, thanks for the kind words.  In Michigan you will lose your carry permit for allowing your gun to be seen, unless you need to pull it for "just cause".  Think about it, you are shopping at the store and something of interest is on the top shelf.  You reach up to check the price and your shirt pulls up exposing your gun.  A woman just coming around the aisle with her two children sees your gun and gasps.  You hear something, and turn to look but she is gone.  She calls security, who calls 911 and they resond to a call of "a man with a gun".  Next thing you know, you are lying on the floor with your hands cuffed behind you and four drawn guns pointing at you.  A trip downtown ensues where you sit with a detective and try to explain.  Your gun will be taken until the Prosecutor decides if or what you will be charged with.  You may be sued by the store for the panic you caused and the disruption to their business.  At least you will not be welcome there again.  NO THANK YOU!  No one will know I have a gun, unless I need to use it.  Only a small circle of closest friends and relatives know.  My own children did not know I carried everyday until I felt they had the needed amount of "common sense" to handle the knowledge.  Always keep that gun covered!  If you can't, then you need to revise the way you carry.  44 Man
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Offline williamlayton

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2004, 10:14:41 AM »
I love ya but I got to go with what I was told by the certified instrutor. He may be wrong but I don't want to go thru the paperwork to find out.

Offline Bikenut

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2004, 01:38:21 PM »
44 Man? I live in Michigan and it is certainly news to me that a person will lose their carry permit if a gun is inadvertently exposed. What law would the person be breaking? It certainly wouldn't be "brandishing". I don't think there will be any legal repercussions of a person's gun is accidentally exposed simply because a shirt rode up while reaching for something on a top shelf. However, the nightmare you described of the police arriving, putting the person on the floor, disarming them, cuffing them, arresting them and then taking them downtown for lengthy interviews with a host of detectives could very well happen... or it could be as simple as an officer walking up while that person is shopping and asking if they are armed and have a valid CCW then chewing them out for not keeping the gun concealed. Did you know that it is legal to carry openly in Michigan? And that holds true not just for on your own property too. Yep, a person can carry openly in public... there is no permit needed to carry openly but a permit is needed to carry concealed.... however, it isn't advisable to carry openly since there will be untold hassle and might result in being held in jail for 72 hours (which the police can do without charging a person with a crime as long as they say they are investigating a crime allegedly committed by that person). But if the gun isn't concealed then it is carried openly and that is legal.

About the store sueing that person for creating a disturbance.... I don't know how that would turn out because unless the store has signs up that prohibits guns on the premisis it puts that one into a legal grey area that would have to be decided in court. As for being asked not to return to that store? If a store did that to me there would be no need to ask me not to return since I surely wouldn't and would consider legal action against the store myself.

To both 44 Man and WilliamLayton........ actually, I'm with you guys... even though I think I have a fair understanding of the law I really don't want to go through the hassle, annoyance, and expense of finding out if my understanding is correct. Therefore I keep my gun "reasonably" concealed... meaning the gun itself isn't visible. Any outlines or "printing" still means the gun itself is concealed and I'm not responsible for what someone else might think they see contained in an outline. That outline could be a cell phone mistaken for a gun... or it might even be a gun but unless the gun itself can be seen then a gun was never seen and that outline or "printing" could be anything.
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Offline Rmouleart

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2004, 03:12:45 AM »
We all know carring concealed is a right given to us bye the state you live in, The government does over ride most gun laws but not all, there is many different state laws about how you should conduct your self when carring concealed or even clear of site, above all keeping the weapon concealed is of the most importance if your carrying concealed, brandishing your weapon can be taken as a threat, cause havoc, misunderstood, can cause something to happen that other wise would not happen like a act of selfdefence. As stated scaring Innocent bystanders out of there skin, when they see this guy with his big bad gun, remember not all people are use to seeing guns at all, most people take a gun as a threat. You have to understand the police point of view as well, people are robbing banks etc... all the time, so in other words keep the peace, cover your weapon, till god forgive you need to use it. I live in a state thats states Live Free or Die NH, you can carry a handgun without any license in clear site, but you need a conceal license to carry concealed. These laws have grey area's, yes you can carry in open site without a license but you need to have a reason your doing so, like heading into the woods for a hunt, going to the range etc...
If you tell a official because I can, he will ask you politely to put it away or cover it up or bring it home, you are being a threat to society, you better do as he says...Remember its a privilege to carry a handgun giving bye our state&gov, once you commit a federal crime your privilege to carry is gone for good.
We should cherish our right to carry, and carry with the knowledge of the state laws in your state, call any police dept they will clue you in. God bless our great country for our freedoms. Aim small hit small. RAMbo.

Offline Dali Llama

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2004, 02:28:37 AM »
Quote from: Rmouleart
Remember its a privilege to carry a handgun giving bye our state&gov
Dali Llama say he respectfully beg to differ.  Dali assert that Second Amendment grant right, not "privilege."
AKA "Blademan52" from Marlin Talk

Offline L-Roy

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Best to be
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2004, 05:22:40 PM »
aware of the State's concealed carry laws.  If you have a CCW, you are under obligation to KNOW those laws.

Consider the result of a firearm's "printing" underneath your sport coat.  Do you really want to "eat concrete" until the startled officer determines your need/lack thereof of said weapon on your person?  It has, and will continue to happen, IF your weapon "prints".  And said officer probably will not offer an apology for placing you face down on the concrete, as he was just "doing his thankless job!"  

Avoid showing ANY sign of a weapon until said weapon is needed!
I am, therefore, I think.

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #16 on: June 12, 2004, 10:17:31 AM »
If it prints, it's not concealed.  If someone can look at your clothing and guess what's making that shape, you have failed at your mission of carrying concealed.

Twice while I was on duty I was dispatched (along with several other units) to a call of a "man with a gun".  By the time we all got there, we had covered numerous scenarios in our minds, and were generally ready for anything, including a gun battle.  Imagine how we treated the suspects when we determined (at gunpoint) that they were actually fellow cops, carrying off-duty, but not concealing well enough to avoid detection.  When one of the "busted" cops was pleading with us to take it easy, my sergeant snapped at him, "We just pulled every cop within five miles because you can't hide a hideout gun, and you want me to RELAX?"

Aside from the obvious police/public perception problem, flashing is considered very bad manners!

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Offline strider72

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #17 on: June 27, 2004, 02:43:42 PM »
Dress around the gun and there is no printing or flashing. Heck, with the way people dress so casually nowadays you could almost conceal a Mini-Uzi in your pants. But seriously, I have got to wearing some of the subdued "hawaiian" shirts and you could carry a full-size handgun comfortably and not print. Plus the different color schemes break up the outline of the gun. Just avoid the rayon and similar fabric shirts because they do print worse than other fabrics and are hotter in warmer weather. And as far as somebody thinking you're carrying just because you're wearing said "hawaiian" shirt , I have not had any trouble myself. But you need a quality carry rig to keep the gun tight against your side so there is less chance of "printing". I wonder how many man-with-a-gun scenarios could have been avoided with proper dress and a quality carry rig.

Offline DEPUTY

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #18 on: June 27, 2004, 05:52:39 PM »
In michigan you will not lose your gun or permit if your jacket or shirt or whatever exposes yourt gun if you do you have a hell of a lawsuit. I have been teaching ccw in michigan and advanced firearms  for over 10yrs, for brandising you must show criminal intent. as a police officer in detroit area, i have yet to arrest somebody for there gun being exposed on accident.

Offline Bikenut

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2004, 05:49:52 AM »
Quote from: DEPUTY
In michigan you will not lose your gun or permit if your jacket or shirt or whatever exposes yourt gun if you do you have a hell of a lawsuit. I have been teaching ccw in michigan and advanced firearms  for over 10yrs, for brandising you must show criminal intent. as a police officer in detroit area, i have yet to arrest somebody for there gun being exposed on accident.

That is what my understanding of Michigan law was..... there has to be intent involved on the part of the person. No intent, no foul. However it is entirely possible the person will be ordered onto the ground... disarmed... cuffed and stuffed... perhaps even jailed.... and generally highly inconvienced... until the lack of intent is established.

Apparently Michigan law has been written from the perspective that the mere presence of a gun isn't by itself a crime (a rather intelligent point of view now a days) but the person involved with the gun defines the crime.
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Offline williamlayton

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #20 on: June 29, 2004, 10:42:30 AM »
KNOW THE LAW OF THE STATE YOU ARE IN--cause, well, ya got to abide by them laws-fer instance TEXAS,by GOD doan care what they lets ya do in Mich. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Them is rules that will pay ya dividins.

Offline Bikenut

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I have my own theories about this, but....
« Reply #21 on: June 29, 2004, 12:04:51 PM »
Quote from: williamlayton
KNOW THE LAW OF THE STATE YOU ARE IN--cause, well, ya got to abide by them laws-fer instance TEXAS,by GOD doan care what they lets ya do in Mich. When in Rome do as the Romans do. Them is rules that will pay ya dividins.

Wise words indeed!

Knowing the laws in effect where a person is at the time is a bit difficult though. There isn't any standard set of laws a person can just point to and say: "That is the law no matter where I happen to be." It's bad enough each state has different laws but some citys within the states also have different laws. The internet helps a bit with this since we can do a search of each state's legislature and discover the laws for any state we happen to be visiting or moving to. Citys are a bit harder to get info about.

However, a while back I was contemplating a trip to Florida from Michigan and wanted to take my carry gun with me. An email to Michigan's State Police asking what I should do got the response that I should contact each the State Police of each state I'd be going through and asking them what I need to do to transport my gun. I know Federal law allows legal owners to transport their guns across state lines (follow the guidelines in Fed law) but it doesn't hurt to check each state ahead of time to avoid an unfortunate misunderstanding in case of a traffic stop or accident........... and being cuffed and stuffed until it can be sorted out. "Cuffed and stuffed" tends to ruin a good vacation.

As much as I dislike the idea of government control of anything being in one federal basket.................. I'd like to see the gun laws of this country standardized, including concealed carry, and have them all the same no matter where in the U.S.A. I happen to be.
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