I saw a post asking about hearing protection and felt the need to stress how important it is.
I have worked in a factory for Owens Corning for 25 years.
Every Year we have training on the importance of hearing protection.
Included in the training is the importance of hearing protection for shooters.
I could describe the way sound travels from your ear to your brain,through the outer ,middle, an inner ear,but there is only one part you need to know about.
In your inner ear are little"hairs" that get pushed over by sound.They transfer the "info" that lets your brain register what it hears.
They bounce back to an upright position,but as you age they have more trouble standing back up.
BUT, no matter how old you are,gunshots(ALL GUNSHOTS) push those hairs down harder. The harder they go down the less chance they stand all the way back up.
Even rimfire rounds, knock them down.At a certain point ,they don't stand back up. That causes your hearing loss.
Plinking, target shooting or hunting, you need to use some kind of hearing protection.
Hunters can buy electronic muffs that not only shut down the sound, but amplify the sound of your quarry.
The biggest thing I've learned from my training is every shot wears down those hairs!!!
25 years of training on this subject and my annual hearing tests are better than great.
Hope this helps.