Author Topic: New Mexico Challenge ...update  (Read 494 times)

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Offline Wackyquacker

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New Mexico Challenge ...update
« on: July 01, 2004, 06:36:59 AM »
I am posting this same info on all the trapping forums that I visit regularly...thanks for understanding the is important!

I received a call this AM from my buyer notifying me of the upcoming (21 July) Game commotion meeting. The Commission members are, apparently, receiving "hundreds of e-mails a day" from the Sierra Club members. I contacted "my guy" (one of my most trusted friends) and ask his council. I have copied his reply below. If you have the time and inclination to email / write in support of trapping in NM I'll thank you in advance.

 I do not know the correct answer. Sending petitions, e-mails and letters to the Commission will not make them mad, just let them know there is a sizable number of people that support trapping. What I would be fearful of is
getting non interested publics involved. There are people out there that are not concerned about trapping but if it is made into a big national
agenda, people that were not interested before will become involved and probably take the non trapping side. They do not know anything about
trapping but will hear the Sierra Clubs views and will probably support banning trapping on public lands. How do you get the support of the non
committed public is what you need to figure out. This is basically what happened in the states where trapping was voted out. Let me know if I can do anything to help. As managers we know trapping helps game populations during times of drought and is a tool that needs to be protected. It can also be argued as "custom and culture". You see that in law suits a lot these days. If I think of anything else I will let you know. Hope all is well-


Offline Bogmaster

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New Mexico Challenge ...update
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2004, 06:46:07 AM »
Wacky,if you could provide a quick link up to their e-mail addy,I think you will get the help you need.
If you need trapping supplies---call ,E-mail , or PM me . Home of Tom Olson's Mound Master Beaver Lures  ,Blackies Blend--lures and baits.Snare supplies,Dye ,dip,wax,Large assortment of gloves and Choppers-at very good prices.Hardware,snares,cable restraints and more!Give me a call(651) 436-2539
  I now also carry --- The WIEBE line of Knives and their new 8 and 12 inch fleshing Knives.

Offline Wackyquacker

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New Mexico Challenge ...update
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2004, 06:50:17 AM »
I'm in the process of trying to get the email addys for the individual Commissioners.

Mr. Kirkpatrick, Division Chief
New Mexico Department of Game and Fish
P.O. Box 25112
Santa Fe, NM 87504
ATTN: Wildlife Management Division

Game Commission:

 Guy Riordan, Chairman Albuquerque  9514 Kandace Drive, NW Albuquerque, New Mexico 87114
Work (505) 881-5421 Fax (505) 881-5430

Alfredo Montoya, Vice-Chairman Alcalde  P.O. Box 856 San Juan Pueblo, New Mexico 87566
Home (505) 852-2551 Fax (505)747-2121

David Henderson
Santa Fe
 P.O. Box 9314 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504
Work (505) 983-4609 Fax (505) 983-2355

Jennifer Atchley Montoya
Las Cruces
 4010 Oleta Drive, Apt. A Las Cruces, New Mexico 88001
Home (505) 526-1320 Fax (505) 523-2866

Peter Pino
Zia Pueblo
 026 Chamisa Drive Zia Pueblo, New Mexico 87053-6035
Work (505) 867-3304 Fax (505) 867-3308

Tom Arvas
 7905 Spain Northeast Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109
Work (505) 293-3515

Leo Sims
 P.O. Box 2630 Hobbs, New Mexico 88241-2630
Home (505) 397-3906 Work  (505) 393-3024 Fax (505) 391-6684

Offline Jacktheknife

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New Mexico Challenge ...update
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2004, 05:59:53 AM »
Whacky, It makes my heart sick and sad to hear the same crap that happened in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, and who knows where else,
is happening in New Mexico.  These people don't love animals, they hate hunters.  They are like any group who band together and try to get more political power than they deserve.  Pawns,  hateful scowling old bitches, who by their very nature,  
let themselves be used by the hateful scowling old bitches, like fill the ranks of 'madd'.  Who in turn let themselves be used by other hateful scowling old bitches. I was a music major at the univirsity of Texas,      back in the early 70's.
Piano, Guitar, and Accordian, there is nothing I would rather do than study music. I went down to the monthly meeting of the Texas Accordian association.  After working all day on a two story commercial roofing job, noticed that there were 50-60 more people than there was last week,     got up to play and was boooed down three times! I don't hear well and I could hear at all, over all the boooing and talking.
These people talked through all the accordianists, who were trying to play.
Were not there to listen to accordian music. They were there to help Ellen Clark town square realty Lancaster Texas, steal my land!  To push me off my property so she could have it.  Lt. Goggins, sherriffs dept.  told me  ''she was a bitch and was friends with the chief of police, friends with the city manager, and they were going to get that land.'' '' I would move if I were you.''
            I thought it was a joke and let it drop from my memory, till a few years later the chief of police was fired, the city manager was fired, and Ellen Clark was kicked off  a grand jury and thrown in jail.  Kicked out of my accordian asso. and that night right before my eyes, after someone got up and said "He's hard of hearing give him a chance!"
And told Ellen Clark: "The cops are coming, they are on their way! One more word and you are going to jail,   again!"   It got quiet, I closed my eyes,  and I started into "Du Du Leicht meir im Hertzen"  and I don't know 10-20-30 minutes later, I stopped. There was a riot of applause! It scared me at first, I thought the old bitches were going to jump on me!  But it was a standing ovation of the most profound type! They voted to kick Ellen Clark out of Madd, and they did! Right then and there!  
I left and never went back...   people!  

                    They don't love animals, they hate hunters.
Invalid e-mail address. Fix it asap. GB

Offline brushbustertex

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life of rebel
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2004, 06:16:07 AM »
i like the way you thing.there is always someone that will try to push their beliefs on everbody.  :( just have to avoid them.if they outlaw trappingi'll  trap anyway.they won't change me... 8)

Offline Wackyquacker

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New Mexico Challenge ...update
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2004, 03:23:31 PM »
(I am making this post on all the forums which I visit FYI  Thanks)

I just returned from the NM Game Commission meeting where the issue of banning trapping on all public lands in NM was discussed.  The Game department suggested no changes in the trapping regulation.  During the departments presentation graphics reflecting the public input to date were presented in the form of bar graphs.  Just under 1000 letters supporting trapping had been received to date as compared to just over 600 against trapping.  Of those supporting trapping well over 90% came from residents of NM.   Non residents made up a significantly larger portion of the opposition (sorry, but from my angle I couldn’t get the exact numbers).  The department’s presenter added the caveat that these numbers where changing daily.  

There was the usual public input, the antis were their predictable self’s, the president of the NMTA spoke as did a number of other state organization representatives and individuals including cattleman, outfitters, houndsman, private land owners and past Game Commission members; all strongly supporting trapping.  I will venture to guess that those supporting trapping were between two and three times more numerous than those opposed.  I thank them all!

I would like to thank any of you that have written letters and encourage any that are willing to please write.   The Game Commission will not act on this issue until the next meeting in Aug (this date could be September; I got conflicting info on the dates).

I had a long talk with our state NTA Director during which I was pleased to learn, and be able to report here, that the NTA was in contact via conference calls with the state officers,  were “quite helpful” and were prepared to travel to NM if in fact things turned sour.   Copies of the new video “Dispelling the Myth” were sent to the state association and it is my understanding that every Game Commission member received one to view.  I had the occassion to speak with a personal friend and member of the Game Commission, he reassured me that things would be fine and encourage us not to fall idle.

Finally I wish to thank  Tom Olson and Greybeard for their continuing support…we’re all in this together.

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support trapping.
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2004, 05:18:08 AM »
I wrote, we need more.

Offline Wackyquacker

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Update 9 23 04
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2004, 06:27:25 PM »
The regulations governing trapping were approved unanimously by the Game Commission.  There is no question in the minds of the members of the NMTA that the NTA and the Destroying the Myth Video played a significant role in this outcome.

I would like to thank all who wrote or otherwise gave support.

Next we're off to the we go again.