Author Topic: Maximum Charges  (Read 826 times)

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Offline Evil Dog

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Maximum Charges
« on: July 07, 2004, 03:54:03 AM »
Was just looking at the powder charge chart over at Cannon Mania and noted that what I'd thought to be a Maximum Charge would in reality be quite a bit in excess of that.

For a 1" bore in a barrel between 14" and 26" long, they list the Maximum Charge as being 438gr or 1oz.  This seems to be the generally accepted Maximum Charge for this size bore from what all I've read.  However, there is a footnote at the bottom of that chart saying that is a ball is loaded then the charge should be cut in half!!!!!  Evidently the 438gr Maximum Charge is for loading BLANKS.  With a ball loaded the Maximum Charge would then be 219gr or 1/2oz.
Evil Dog

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Offline Double D

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Maximum Charges
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2004, 12:09:31 AM »
If you want a more accurate and proven reference for loads for Cannons acquire a copy of MC Switlik's book The More Complete Cannoneer.  It's available from several the folks listed on our resource list.

A word of caution, earlier editions of the book called The Complete Cannoneer are out there, but are not as inclusive.  This book is the guide book for shooting cannons and is based on extensive testing and a lot of years of experience.