Since its spring or summer now everywhere except in the highest alpine areas of North America, and the lepidotera are on the wing, thought I'd start posting some pictures for the gang here to enjoy. Many of you know this has been a long time hobby of mine (dating back to 1964) that my family and I have traveled much of the world to pursue. I hope to make time to do a little again this year and maybe rear a few species as well.
This is a couple of pictures of the Bean Blue (Lampides boeticus), with the male at top and female below. They get their common name from their larva (caterpillars) feeding only on the flowers of legumes. Small and easily missed by those just passing by, but they are fairly interesting when seen close up. Not one to be on the watch out for unless you happen to be in Hawaii though, as that's the only place this species occurs in N.A. It has become about the most common butterfly in Hawaii though, and is also found throughout the Pacific, especially in the Phillipines, Japan and American Samoa - but also in China, India, Africa and southern Europe.
Enjoy - Ladobe :bye: