I live on Vancouver island which has the highest density of cougars in NorthAmerica.Some years ago the wolf population exploded on the island and today it is rare to see a deer inthe bush- but they have invaded literally the urban areas, we are seeing deer where they have never been seen before.When I was a kid , there was a cougar sighting in town about every 5 years, and now not many weeks go by without a cougar sighting.Thankfully, human encounters are rare, but we have had numerous cougar attacks over the years here.One got a deer just down the road fromme, and you could see where he lay in full sight of the road where people walk daily- he obviously did'nt have any fear at all of humans.Probably as long as they have a food supply they won't bother people but when we do have an attack it is generally a young one or an old one that can't get deer.No point in being paranoid, but common sense prevails- if you see one, don't run or turn your back , or bend down to pick up a rock to throw at it, and we also keep the kids in the house when a cat is arround.