I`ve got several Ruger handguns and like them all. My SBH is the old 3 screw, that I bought new. The new model doesn`t not have near as nice a trigger, those darn law suits, as the old ones did, but with alittle work they can be made very nice. Depending on the size of your hands after market grips might also be a big help. For hunting I think that Rugers 7 3/4 in. barrel is the best alround barrel lenth. I do not put scopes on revolvers, but do have Contenders and Encores with scopes. I have taken deer to 150 yrds. with my old SBH, but that was back when I was shooting 400 to 800 rounds a week, wouldn`t even try those shots today without spending alot more time on the range than I do now. I think your looking at the best hunting revolver for the money on the market today.